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Everything posted by Vympel

  1. Didn't fix the problem anyway. *sigh* The FIRST item on my list is "VIA CPU to AGP Controller", not bridge. I don't have anything about "bridge" on my list at all. So I did the controller one, didn't work. Thanks for the suggestion though, it couldn't have hurt. (I upated my drivers recently anyway, since they're supposedly bug-ridden crap, no sense in keeping them ...)
  2. I have humanauts problem, on 1280x1024 I can play the game for only a few mins before it crashes (sound crash loop as well), the lower I turn down the graphics, the longer it takes for it to crash, in general, but it always does. If I exit out of the game and go back in, it seems to reset the "timer". Playing on 1024x768 makes it playable at length. I have a 6600GT, just like humanaut. I have NO IDEA what the hell to do. And, here's a coincidence, my old Ti4400 ran the original KOTOR just fine too- now it doesn't work either with the 6600GT. Do your movies have some intermittent pausing as well, which goes away if the movie is long enough? But here's another thing- my friend has a 6600GT and almost the exact same specs as me (he has more RAM)- and he has no problems. This crashing also happens with Star Wars Battlefront.
  3. Well, what problem does it exactly fix? My problem is exactly the same as humanauts in this thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=29460 The lower I turn down the resolution, the longer I can play the game before it crashes. And just like the guys in that thread, the same thing happens with KOTOR 1, even though back when I had a Ti4400 instead of a 6600GT, KOTOR ran flawlessly.
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