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About hk899

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  1. Gorion, have you solved this yet? You might not like to hear this, but if you don't have a working save you can fall back to then the best idea that I can see would be to wait and see if the forthcoming patch fixes the issue. If the patch doesn't help... then I can't really see much alternative but to start again - at least then you'll be safe in the knowledge that you've played from scratch with a patched version of the game, so there should be a less chance of it happening the second time through. Sorry I can't be of more help!
  2. Thanks for clearing up most of that! I made a mistake in typing this point however, which I think has caused you to misunderstand - I mean't to say that there was NO conversation option to let Grenn know what was happening, and so I was never able to be supplied with whatever those items might have been to set that trap. Sorry about that!
  3. No problem, glad you got it sorted. I didn't see T3 on the camera either, but he was there when I reached the fuel pipe! Care to share details of altering the save file? I had read something of this when I was having the problem, but couldn't find details/a list of all the map names... it might be handy if this happens again. Thanks
  4. A partial list of bugs I've encountered so far (and I'm only on Telos!): -This has been the most serious for me, at the point where you're supposed to encounter T3-M4 in the fuel pipe in the Peragus Fuel Depot, he's just not there despite Atton talking about him as if he were. This results in being unable to move on to the next area (Peragus Docking Bay) and instead you are dumped to the main menu. Only solved by starting the game from scratch. -The movies available for viewing from the main menu are a seemingly random collection of movies that I've not yet seen during the course of the game, presumably I should only see ones that I'm past in the game? -Items created at a workbench simply disappeared from inventory upon moving to a new area during my first run through the game (the one where T3-M4 failed to appear), so far this hasn't occurred on my second go. -At various points in the game my companions have seemed to just decide they've had enough and no longer wish to follow me, and instead will just stand whilst I trudge off into the next room unaware of their desertion and get into a fight all alone! -Swoop Racing. Need I say more? I've had the "elevated" racing problem (where the swoop just goes along ats if at the peak of a jump the whole race), I can get around this one by hitting jump as the lights turns green at the start - this could be how its supposed to be but it seemed odd to me and a bug I presume? And also the problem if beating the best time but the race master talking as if you didn't finish/didn't beat the best time - other people seem to put this down to forfeiting and earlier race. -On Telos when doing the smuggling missions at the request of Grenn, there is the conversation option to go and make preparations - I presume these preparations are to go and inform Grenn of where the smuggling will be happening. I attempted to do this but there was conversation option to inform Grenn that it was happening (I can only presume this is a bug), so I was forced to play out this mission dark side. I have more but that'll do for now, I'll post back once I've finished the game! Let me know if I am mistaken on any of these, as a couple I cannot be completely sure they're bugs but I'm pretty sure.
  5. Hi, I had a problem that sounds like this, although admittedly much earlier in the game so you're probably not going like my solution (if you could call it that) - see my thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=29590 I'm currently keeping a permanent save just beofre every level transition as I work through the game, in the hope of avoiding this being too much of a problem if it happens again! I can only hope that you have some saves that you can fall back on that will work when you reach this point again.
  6. This is from my earlier post and is about the only thing that I done differently - my reason for this was that the Ebon Hawk quest log still talked about finding the body of the admin officer (see the attachment on the earlier post), and I wondered if this was why I couldn't progress. Turns out it wasn't obviously and it was in fact because there was no T3-M4, but I'd say its worth a shot steering clear of the dormitory if nothing else is working for you (though I admit I have my own doubts that this will help). To answer your question... I played the game entirely on the light side up to this point. Let me know if you have any luck!
  7. This is unfortunate, sorry to hear that but I only suggested it since it worked for me - personally I decided I'd give it one more go, if that worked then great, if not then I'd wait a week or two to see if there was any news of a patch to fix this specific issue. If there wasn't I was going to return the game... I guess it depends on how badly you want to play this game, I know I wouldn't have been prepared to keep starting again over and over though. The second time you played through did you do everything exactly the same or did you do things slightly differently? If you're going to have another go it might be worth going about some of the quests differently if possible. Or see if anyone has a save that they could send you immediately after the level transition (unfortunately I don't have one), but I know that sucks because you would be stuck with somebody elses character... I hope you find a solution!
  8. I had this exact problem. For me at least no amount of loading up savegames from a couple of hours earlier helped, and the only solution I was able to find was to start the game over from scratch - second time T3-M4 appeared where he should of in the fuel pipe. There is a thread I made titled "Level Transition Bug" on this forum if you wish to read more about it... (what I done differently the time it worked, etc.) Edit: here is the thread... http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=29590&hl=
  9. If anyone is interested (or incase anyone else runs into this) I just thought I'd post that I managed to get past this point by playing the game from scratch - and I think I know what may have caused my problem. On my first run through, at the point where you find T3-M4 in the fuel pipe, he simply wasn't there! So I guess it was just this bugged quest preventing me making the transition to the next area, pretty much the only thing I done differently from my first run through the game was not to bother going to find the administration officer (not entering the dormitory area) - though I don't know if this has any effect on the bug. In light of the other comments posted in other threads, I'm bracing myself for this to happen again and keeping a permanent save just before making EVERY level transition. A pretty serious bug in my opinion, I know I certainly wouldn't be playing it again if this had happened much later in the game. Pretty terrible, the state this game was released in - I have two friends currently playing through it on Xbox as well and they both complain of it hanging their otherwise perfectly stable consoles! Hope this helps someone...
  10. A patch is definately needed, but to be honest it would need to be one almighty patch to fix all that is wrong in this game... its got more bugs than Bloodlines!
  11. Ok, I attempted to track back in order to try and change the status of my Ebon Hawk quest before attempting to enter the Peragus Docking Bay, but unfortunately as I suspected I could only get so far as the Harbinger Engine Deck where you leave Kreia fighting what is the main bad guy at this point (haven't yet learned his name). Anyway, in order to better show what I mean by the status of this quest I've attached a snap of my quest log - can anyone confirm whether this should have been updated by this point in the game? If so then I'll know I need to start the game again and make sure its updated before entering the Harbinger, but I don't really want to start over only for it all turn out to be in vain... Thanks in advance... My quest log:
  12. Are experiencing this at the exact same point as me? The transition from Peragus Fuel Depot to Peragus Docking Bay or a different transition? If so what is the status of your Ebon Hawk quest when attempting to move to the docking bay? Just seems like this might be the cause to me, so I think I'm gonna backtrack if I can (don't know if you can get back past the harbinger?) and see if I can change the quest status. I think your issue might be slightly different though, as I've seen many posts about the black screen on the message board but no others about this You can uninstall from add/remove programs and it will ask you if you wish to keep your saves. Though I don't think this will help you personally, I reckon you'd be better off checking some of the other postings about black screens on this forum. Thanks
  13. I guess I must be alone in encountering this bug then, nobody has any ideas? Since replaying from my auto save I have tried another couple of things, in spite of not expecting them to work. I've reinstalled the game and updated to the latest ATI Catalyst drivers - the reinstall had no effect (bug still occurs), while all the driver update done was to add major graphical corruption to my existing bug! As in textures are missing from most surfaces, everything just appears as plain white. Have others seen this? The next thing to try is downgrading to the Catalyst 4.11 drivers that I've seen a lot of people recommend but I don't really think my original issue is related to this, so I guess after that I'll have to try starting the game from scratch Reluctantly returning this game to the store is looking increasingly likely, though I will wait to see if a patch is forthcoming in the next couple of weeks first - if not I certainly won't be looking to purchase anymore games from Obsidian!
  14. Without a doubt this game needs to be patched ASAP, as it currently seems to be unplayable for many people.
  15. Update: I replayed from my auto save at the point of entering the harbinger and unfortunately the same thing happened again Can anyone tell me if there is a movie that should be playing or something that could trigger this dumping to the main menu at the point when you move from Pegasus Fuel Depot to the the Docking Bay? Something else I noticed is that the log for the Ebon Hawk quest has not been updated since I discovered the administration officer's body in the dormitory area - can anyone confrim if this is correct? Should it have updated by now? Thanks
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