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Everything posted by SunTzu

  1. Neither did i. Totally bug free for me, on the same rig as im running now.
  2. We did? I had no idea this was going to be this buggy. I expect some bugs, yes, like in all games, but not game-breaking bugs that go on forever. I dont really care about how it was for the Xbox, since a port can remove many problems (if done by a decent dev atleast), and many games are made parallel by 2 teams, for the diff consoles.
  3. Why? Crappy programming and no beta testing.
  4. Noone knows, bc Obsidian all died from massive overdoses on their release party.
  5. No. K2 is a licensed product. If it hadn't been OE who had done it with a crappy contract, it would have been someone else, with a crappy contract anyway. LA surely has loads of devs that would do anything to get a SW license. But then again, it hasn't been a week since the game's release on the PC. We'll see about the patch. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, K2 is licenced. And yes, they would probably have found another willing developer. Which still doesnt excuse OEs crappy contract. If you, as a developer, signs a bad contract, knowing its bad and will hurt your customers, then you DESERVE all the **** people will throw your way. Im still shocked these are people that worked on Fallout, the best RPG so far...
  6. Saying *you* havent experienced any bugs says absolutely *Nothing* about how it will work on "Random Guys" computer.
  7. Yes, exactly my point. The thing is though, thats what you get when you decide to develop a game for the PC. A ****load of problems. And, yes, its expensive to fix, but so is every part of the dev process. Every other succesful (or damn near every) manage to get their products to work without major issues, at release. Those that dont aplogize quickly, then release a patch. When a developer house creates a buggy game, people are pissed off. When the same people are ignored and get no answers, they get even more angry. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats not true Sun. Just immediately off the top of my head I know I experienced bugs and problems that required a after release patch in 1) Diablo 2 2) Civ 3 AND the Conquests expansion 3) Rollercoaster Tycoon (original one) 4) Call to Power 5) Axies and Allies (original one, dont have the most recent released one) 6) Pool of Radience (the newer one, not the old gold box game) And any and all MMORPGs to date. Im sure there is far more that im forgetting or never played in the single person game genre (PC games). And that short list covers some HUGE HUGE selling games by some MAJOR forces in game creation. So its not fair to say that all other single player games are released bug free. They quite simply are not. *most common issue for them all I listed was graphics and incompadability with specific drivers and or video cards. Not all patchs were for game stopping issues either and patching was optional at best. I wouldnt be surprised to hear the mass majority of people that bought the games never bothered patching as you only found out about patchs by going to respective companies web site and searching for the fix/patch.* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There has never been a game that has been released that was bug free, and i dont think there ever will be. And thats not what i wrote. Major issues, by that i meant things that make the game unplayable. There is what, 2-3 such issues with the game? Yes there have been buggier games. Most are patched very quickly though. Obsidian havent even had the courtesy of telling its fanbase if there will even be a patch.
  8. You are not reading either, are you Volo? I didn't say LA will sue OE. I said that just the threat of a possible lawsuit is enough for OE to wait for the official thumbsup for the patch, if there is any. And in case you don't know, LA has been known for shutting down mod projects and whatnot for not complying with copyright laws and stuff. The same could happen with a patch. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most developers have contracts that enable them to release patches, only very few do not. Troika did not, for Vampire, and that went to hell. Any decent developer will have gotten a good contract, simply becouse its their ass on the line. LA are *known* to produce ****loads of crappy games, so its up to Obsidian to make sure they will be able to give post-release support. Its all up to Obsidian, if they signed a bad contract, its still their fault.
  9. Writing a quick note saying "We are working on a patch, these are the major issues:, isnt that hard. It does NOT take a long time, and not alot of effort. We arent asking for them to answer every single post, we're asking them to post SOMEHWERE saying they know of the problem, and answer one simple question... "Are you fixing the problem?" Where is their official tech-support forum? Thats right, there is none. There is one for newbies and amatuers to give out random advice, but no tech-support.
  10. Yes, exactly my point. The thing is though, thats what you get when you decide to develop a game for the PC. A ****load of problems. And, yes, its expensive to fix, but so is every part of the dev process. Every other succesful (or damn near every) manage to get their products to work without major issues, at release. Those that dont aplogize quickly, then release a patch. When a developer house creates a buggy game, people are pissed off. When the same people are ignored and get no answers, they get even more angry.
  11. BTW the reason i am always cranky in my posts, is that i only post when ive crashed. This time, it corrupted part of my harddrive, forcing me to run checkdisk (again). I play it like mad becouse it IS a great game, its also a game with horrible bugs, that needs to be fixed ASAP. The worst thing isnt the bugs. The worst thing is the total apathy of the dev crew, and not informing the community. So, devs, where are you? I have yet to see ONE SINGLE POST here that was written in response to a bug-report, hell you dont even have a bug forum, only one for "self-help". Self help?! Where the hell is your tech support?!
  12. You cant even compare an Xbox game to a PC one, since they are two totally different things. An Xbox game can be created to exact standards, all Xboxes are the like. Computers arent. Saying that "The game works perfectly on my PC, so ur pc is bugged!" is idiotic, saying that "It works great on my XBOX so it must be your computer" is even worse. No, its most likely not our computers. Its most likely a bug in the game that only CROPS UP ON SOME COMPUTERS. It might be that the game only pops up when you run ATi drivers this and that, or that it will only bug if you have 2 256 memory sticks, just like that. That is the main problem with creating stable games for the PC, and you know what the only way to solve that is? Beta testing. Something that Obsidian obviously forgot all about.
  13. thats because only the people with problems post about them. people dont post about not having problems....often. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ..And your point is? Most of those that are having problems most likely arent posting on these boards either.
  14. If you look around on various discussion boards, you will see that a LARGE percantage of those that bought and payed for the game either 1. Cant play. 2. wont play, bc of the game wrecking bugs. We are talking a huge amount of people that cant install, crash every 20 min, get corrupted saves. 1/50 people, or hell 1/100 is a HUGE PERCENTAGE when you are talking about people that payed for a game that now will not work, even though they have all the sys reqs, and more. Im playing this on a 3.0, with no major bottlenecks. Ive played HL2 flawlessly. But this game is lagging so bad its almost unplayable, and i am FAR from alone in having these problems. Yes, it might help writing this, since theres actually a remote chance that a dev might read something. Doesnt look like it though. Obsidian doesnt seem to understand that a vital part of devloping games is making sure they are fairly bug-free, and playable. They made a great game, but then they forgot all about it. Oh, and to those that say "I have no problems, everything must be fine.", grow up. People like you are the reason game developers CAN do things like this, and not die.
  15. Known bug, and oneother in the known bugs list which doesnt seem to get any dev attention. Im having trouble understanding how these people could ever have been involved in Fallout...
  16. I played Vampire, with almost all the bugs that generally occurs, and that was a horribly bugged game. This one is worse. Almost unplayable, lost about 4 hours of gametime thanks to several corrupted saves, totally worthless dev attention (Hey! How about actaully telling us you know about the problems, and that u are working on it! Or wait, perhaps you arent), constant crashes, loads of problems on Danto, etc, etc, etc. I dont care if LA made them release it too early, then its their fault for not having enough know how to write a good contract, that allows them to patch the game, and/or finish it before releasing it.
  17. Hey everyone, new poster here. First of all, id like to thank Obsidian for a great game, storywise and playingwise. Huge fun. BUT... The bugs are ruining this game. A very large group of people cant even play the game becouse of the huge amount of bugs that is in it. For me, im getting very frequent total lockups, requring a total reboot, every 20 min or so. Ive had 4 corrupted quicksaves so far. Absolutly horrendous. (especially since i crash every 20 min or so, i quicksave every 5 sec or so ) Im getting 10-15 sec lags now and then, during certain areas. But the biggest complaint is the total lack of developer responses. Where are the progress reports? Informing the community? The information on patches? You have released an unfinished, and broken game. You better fix it, or both your reputation as a fledgling devopler house, and your gamesales are gonna go down the drain.
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