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Everything posted by Snibbles

  1. ok, but how do u aquire, when do u aquire handmaiden...? im in the secret academy, having alrdy played lightside female, im now boarding light/darkside and i want handmaiden, and i dont want to leave telos without her, or do i have too?
  2. try searching the forums next time bud
  3. thats nice.....
  4. Ok i used my lightsaber to open a door, and my lightsaber gets stuck in the door and stays there, (when i assume that its supposed to come back out) and disapears when the door opens..... I'll see if i can post a screenie [sWKotOR] ReportDateTime=25/02/2005 12:11:32 PM SysInfoVersion=v1.00.60 GameExists=1 GameVersion=v2.00.424 GameInstallLocation=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\ [OS] Name=WinXP Version=Windows XP v5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2 Service Pack=Service Pack 2 Status=Pass [swapFiles] C:\pagefile.sys=0 [CPU] CPUCount=1 CPUSpeed=2009 CPUFamily=15 CPUModel=15 CPUStepping=0 CPUVendor=AMD CPUName=AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+ Status=Pass [Memory] RAM=512 Status=Pass [Disk Free Space] C: (NTFS), UNICODE=2.55GB Status=Pass [CD-ROMs] DriveLetters=D:\,E:\ Drives=IDE DVD-ROM 16X,IDE DVD-ROM 16X,MAT****A CD-RW CW-7586,MAT****A CD-RW CW-7586 [Video] Video Card Name=RADEON 9800 SERIES Video Memory=128 Desktop Resolution=1280x1024x32 @ 60Hz DirectX=DirectX 9.0c ( OpenGL Version=1.5.4898 WinXP Release OpenGL Vendor=ATI Technologies Inc. OpenGL Renderer=RADEON 9800 SE x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2 Vid Card Status=Pass Vid Card Driver Status=Pass GL Status=Pass DX Status=Pass [Audio] Sound Card Name=Realtek AC'97 Audio Status=Pass ;Game Options from swkotor2.ini [Display Options] FullScreen=1 Disable Movies=0 Disable Intro Movies=0 Sort Modules=1 Width=640 Height=480 BitsPerPixels=32 RefreshRate=60 [sound Options] Music Volume=100 Voiceover Volume=85 Sound Effects Volume=85 Movie Volume=85 Number 3D Voices=29 Number 2D Voices=64 2D3D Bias=1.50 EAX=2 Sound Init=0 Disable Sound=0 Force Software=0 [Graphics Options] Anisotropy=8 Frame Buffer=1 Grass=1 Soft Shadows=0 Shadows=1 Brightness=57 EnableHardwareMouse=1 FullScreen=1 AllowSoftShadows=1 RefreshRate=60 Width=800 Height=600 V-Sync=1 Texture Quality=2 Anti Aliasing=4 Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 [Game Options] UnlockedPlanetSongs=1023 Enable Tooltips=0 Keyboard Camera Deceleration=2000.000000 Keyboard Camera Acceleration=500.000000 Keyboard Camera DPS=200.000000 TextureVariation=9 BodyVariation=3 AppearanceType=579 PCGender=0 GameCompleted=0 CurSithLord=0 Hide InGame GUI=0 Use Small Fonts=0 Hide Unequippable=0 Tutorial Popups=0 Subtitles=1 Mini Map=1 Floating Numbers=0 Status Summary=1 Enable Mouse Teleporting To Buttons=1 Mouse Sensitivity=44 Difficulty Level=0 Auto Level Up NPCs=0 Mouse Look=0 AutoSave=1 EnableScreenShot=0 Reverse Mouse Buttons=0 Reverse Ingame YAxis=0 Reverse Minigame YAxis=0 Combat Movement=1 TooltipDelay Sec=1 Disable Movies=0 [config] firstrun=0 [Keymapping] Action286B=8 Action286A=7 Action285B=10 Action285A=9 Action284B=54 Action284A=51 Action283B=54 Action283A=51 Action282B=69 Action282A=73 Action281B=53 Action281A=76 Action280B=69 Action280A=73 Action268=52 Action265=58 Action264=57 Action263=43 Action262=85 Action261=84 Action260=83 Action259=82 Action258=81 Action257=80 Action256=79 Action255=78 Action254=77 Action253=31 Action245=75 Action244=55 Action243=67 Action242=74 Action241=87 Action240=56 Action239=68 Action238=82 Action236=83 Action234=81 Action232=80 Action230=79 Action228=78 Action226=77 Action225=70 Action224=90 Action223=31 Action222=25 Action221=24 Action220=29 Action219=28 Action218=42 Action217=87 Action216=65 Action215=63 Action214=60 Action213=62 Action212=61 Action211=66 Action210=59 Action209=71 Action208=89 Action207=72 Action206=30 Action205=55 Action204=67 [Autopause Options] End Of Combat Round=0 Mine Sighted=0 Enemy Sighted=0 Party Killed=1 Action Menu=0 New Target Selected=1 [Movies Shown] Movie10=1 Movie 9=1 Movie 8=1 Movie 7=17 Movie 6=63 Movie 5=223 Movie 4=249 Movie 3=127 Movie 2=241 Movie 1=15 Movie 0=255
  5. what are u talking about, there is no North American patch avaiable
  6. holy **** guys, i just wanted you to know i was displeased with the game and that i was returning it, it ididn't want this to turn into a law thingy
  7. plz use this next time
  8. u heard of copyprotection?
  9. alrite, well, you can all curse me for deleting my history. So i don't have a website to download it, but if you guys chase down this ATI Driver: atioglxx.dll ATI OpenGL driver then your framerate shud go up signifficently.....might try driversheaven.net or sumtin. Im pretty sure the driver version is 4.2 and basically once you download it, then you put the .dll file directly into your KOTOR Folder and then the game will use that driver instead of your new ones like 5.1/5.2 w/e ur using..... then you have two drivers, no they will not conflict with each other, but kotor likes 4.2 way better, i mean hell even the graphics are generally improved....(interesting)
  10. ive got a solution for your problem on dantooine.....i think...it fixs kotor 1 dantooine, you guys can try it for kotor 2.... gimme a couple seconds to get the instructions right...
  11. *shakes head* do you read the forums?
  12. tks bud, another problem solved thx to your attention-span
  13. doesn't LA know that ATI drivers always have something wrong with them, I mean they still didn't fix those god damn lines in the middle of my characters faces in kotor1
  14. OK, thanks for responding, lol, are u aware of a solution?
  15. Ok, so youve prolly read about my returning the game to the store. And so I did. but the funny thing is, I've uninstalled the game now. And all of a sudden I get this when my Computer starts up. ------------------------------------------------ Application popup: CLI.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services : Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id=0x830 (2096), Thread id=0x834 (2100). Click OK to terminate the application. Click CANCEL to debug the application. For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. --------------------------------------------------- CLI.exe has to do with ati. specially the control center. and now im pissed right off. Thanks Obsidian, <_< not
  16. UGGHHHHH..... After a very frustrating result of trying to install the damn game. I finally got it going only to be stopped by some stupid black screen. I then upgraded my video drivers to OMega and tada it works. So now I'm past the black screen prob most peeps are having, but now i cant get off the damn mining station, when i start shooting with the ebon hawk in the hangewr to tak eout the soldiers It gets real slow and finally quits. But then i tried to disable the Vertex Buffer and that fixed that problem but now everytime i try to load a game/area my cpu crashes hardcore (bluescreen of death). So now I can say R.I.P. KOTOR 2 TSL, your predesscor has bested you. This is one Master that will always stay on my computer desk. KOTOR 1. Incase anyones interested: Cpu Spec- Windows XP (<---Probally the first problem is having this installed) Athlon 64FX Radeon 9800se (128mb) 512ram, PC3200, 200MHZ onboard sound (5.1 surrond sound)
  17. So I'm guessing it's only fair to say that users that had problems on dantooine before are guarteed to have em again this time round? I'm running an Athlon 64FX 9800se----> Omega Driver version 5.1. These drivers really improved visual quality in the kotor 1 512 pc3200 5.1 surrond sound (onboard sound)
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