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Wild Storm

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Posts posted by Wild Storm

  1. post-7-1136825100_thumb.jpg

    Well, to perhaps inspire you further...I've attached the the cover I did for "Tips & Tricks" without any of the type covering it. The art director at the magazine requested that I incorporate the KOTOR2 characters into the origianl movie poster for Star Wars. It seemed easy enough, but it proved to be a challenge in the end. I had a little help from David Espinoza who rendered out the ships for me and I placed them in one at a time to create the same pattern the the original poster had. The director also asked that the Luke spot be filled with one of the optional player heads, so I chose the head that looked like a typical jedi from the newer films. I'll ask the powers that be if I can post the image as a desktop for download. I set one up in a horizontal format for desktop use internally, so it should just be a matter of finding a spot for it here somewhere. But we'll see.

    Funny how you picked the Jesus head. Since it has a very Godly look to it. :D

  2. Cut Content...that's all I can really say. Although, Goto is explained if you had enough influence

    GO-TO is Goto. Goto was always just a hologram

    Atton is also influence

    Once a republic solider, defected to the sith with Karath and became an assassin, eventually left the Sith and fled to Nar Shaddaa

    , HK-50s...well...that's just cut. And they came from the sub-level in the Telos base. In case you forgot about that...

  3. Carth doesn't need a woman companion - he needs a slap upside the head. Or a mother. Just someone to tell him to stop sulking and acting like an adolescent. :)


    Disciple just... needs to get a life.

    Yeesh. I dozed off for awhile. Anyway, after your planet has just been blown to smithereens (not like Alderann of course) which took down your wife and presumbly, your mother. Your going to be pretty pissed and sulky. Seriously. Wouldn't you be a just a little depressed if someone vaporized your mother and wife? :)

  4. Korriban: Like was said before, without the academy, Daeshade was no longer populated and eventually, went out.

    Dantooine: There was an explanation. They disappeared during the bombing and the home of the Matales was used for the main building for Khoonda.

    Manaan: Well...they lived happily ever after. They continued their Kolto business didn't really end until Palpatine took power.

    Star Forge: If LS, it plunges into the sun, if DS, it plunges into the sun since with Revan, there was nobody with the power to operate the Forge, therefore, went kaput.

  5. Carth was a whiney little man in Knights of the Old Republic. If his whining was not bad enough, he left poor Mission behind if Revan embraced the Darkside. I am afraid I am not a fans of his.

    He did tell Mission to run...it was her choice. I think people don't give Carth enough credit. I don't see the whining. I only see the non-trusting.

    Back on topic, if they are to have a romance, please make it so the male leads are not whiney babes, it makes for a most unpleasant romance for the ladies.

    Well, whining men are usually in need of female companionship. *raises hand* In need of female companionship. :)

  6. Dyan...let me be the first to say that you probably have the best ideas I've seen in a long time... :-

    Thats not true. In Jedi Outcast and Academy you could cut of hands and arms and it had a teen rating.

    And if you had the dismemberment cheat up all the way...wooo hooo! Fried Stormtrooper head anyone?

  7. Instead of having flat out create a character selection screen if Revan should appear, why not do what they did KOTOR II? Sometime in the beginning you choose the alignment/sex, then later, you take control of Bastila if the character is male, Carth if female or Canderous if female/ds. They describe Revan in some sort of romantic (except for Canderous who goes on to say that she loved the pilot or so it seemed...) Here is an example.


    "His eyes, brightning up the morning sky in a stunning . His skin, warm, when his arms held me...his hair that shined in the lightness of the force."


    You get the picture. :cool:

  8. Yeah, I'm new to this whole Restoration Project thing so I have a question. Are they going to restore the DS Female Ending, the DS Male Ending, the LS Female Ending and the LS Male Ending? Can they restore all four endings?

    The endings are not restricted a certain alignment. They are restricted to the amount of influence your character had with the party members. Mainly (and probably only) Visas, Handmaiden, Atton and Disciple.

  9. Question One: Does anyone know approxiamtely how powerful Master Vandar was? I mean I know he either was killed in the explosion of Admiral Dodonna's warship in KOTOR (If you set Revan as DS) or died on the Miraluka World of Katarr along with hundreds of other Jedi Knights (If you set Revan as LS) but does anyone know how powerful this little fella was? Do you think it's possible he may have been even more powerful than Revan?

    If he were more powerful, then he wouldn't have been so secretive and afraid when it came to Revan.


    Question Two: I know Visas Marr says in KOTOR II that there are many factions within the Sith and Kreia says that Sion, Nihilus and their Sith hid from the face of the galaxy during the Jedi Civil War because they were only concerned with the destruction of the Jedi, not the Republic and that's why they didn't help Malak's Sith but still, Malak wasn't against just the Republic, he was against the Jedi so really why didn't Sion and Nihilus help them just destroy the Jedi then if they were 'so-called' against them? I mean, they could of, they didn't have to worry about the Republic, but they could of offered to help Malak's Armada by being Sith Assassins for them who's purpose/mission is to hunt down and kill Jedi Knights. So my question is, is there another reason as to why Nihilus, Sion and their Sith faction didn't assist Malak's armada? Did Malak know about these Sith? Did Malak's Sith and Nihilus Sith hate each other or something? (Presuming Malak did know about them)

    Its possible that Kreia (being the head mistress of the academy on Malachor V at the time) knew everything that was going on and knew, like the Jedi, that they can only strike when appropriate. Which might give some insight as to why Nihilus and Sion got sick of her and exiled her.


    Question Three: Why didn't Bastila Shan join the other Jedi Knights on Katarr? (This is if you set Revan LS). I mean, we know that Revan journeyed to the unknown regions but nearly every other Jedi went to Katarr (to die) and the one's that didn't had there reasons but what is Bastila's reason?

    Bastila had just been saved from the dark side. I'm sure the Jedi wanted to put her through some serious sessions with the psychiatrist before she did anything important.

  10. Maestro....


    When you can't seem to find the baseball that's been signed...that's on Ebay!

    You new toy that's so fine...that's on Ebay!

    Phones that ring, organizer things, nice bling blings...Thaats on Ebay.

    Buy today! And its on its way! Then you'll feel okay...

    Thaaaaats on Ebay!

    Dun. :o

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