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About Odabhsoj

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Dumb Airspeeder!
  2. Lol didnt you find them on telos station first?
  3. I was a sig maker for halomods.com just in case u were wondering anyways... I am just have some trouble finding the kotor 2 pictures any idea where I could get them?
  4. Really kool I didnt know there was any sig makers here lol!
  5. Lol Kreia told be the same lol!
  6. Dosent matter anyways other characters have stealth! LOL!
  7. I see what your point is but it just dosent seem right I like it how it is so ill have to disagree with you on this one.... They did that for a reason its kinda like opposits atttract with the how opposit sex thing i guess lol!
  8. Hehehe I am new I dont know how lol!
  9. I never had those probelms...Handmaidens the best!
  10. They do place patchs on those discs...
  11. Kreias a jerk!!! Handmaidens sweet!
  12. Handmaiden stuff is my favorite lol!
  13. Lol, kinda like the Stormtroopers do you know the true history behind them lol... They were Nazis!(Learned it in school lol)
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