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Everything posted by Master_Vandar73

  1. Ok I retract the NWN comment- I was upset at the time and was thinking of the up and comming NWN project being developed by Obsidian. And as for the law suit comment it was a suggestion to zero327, stating he would have better luck with the lawsuit if he wanted resolution. the Better Buisness Bureau has been known in the past to only take the complaint and take no action. (about like us asking for help from obsidian) Still as always NTO
  2. Thats just the opinion of someone who can actually get the game to install or run. Oh and BTW I had hell getting NWN to play! Just another glorious example of Obsidians great programing. As always "NTO"
  3. This is the site of the developers, and as such, this forum is one of the only avenues of communication we've been given. I think zero327 is RIGHT that something needs to be done on our behalf, but I think the Better Business Bureau is too weak an organization to respond to this huge problem. If a proper response doesn't appear from Obsidian, it might be time for something much stronger- such as a class action lawsuit on behalf of everyone who spent so much hard- earned money on their incomplete product. If they sold a game which will not run for most people, and have no intentions of fixing it, I call that fraud. If they truly don't care about their customers or product, its time to hit them in the only place they understand, the wallet. That's exactly where they got us. And that's unbelievable- how much money did Lucas give you guys to make this game? and you can't take the time or expense to put someone on the forums? Now I'm Really outraged. I for one will Never Trust Obsidian ever again on any product, and I urge you to do the same. Maybe we should start an NTO campaign and website- Never Trust Obsidian
  4. what I don't understand is why kotor2 won't run on my laptop when kotor1 ran great! (on the highest settings) the game engine is supposed to be the same an the requirements are word for word the same as kotor1! I think obsidan is a bunch of big fat liars they must have changed somthing why else are there so many people having so many problems?:angry: I hope they come out with a fix patch soon or lucas/obsidian is gona have a riot on there hands! "A riot is an ugly ting. UNT I TINK IT'S YUST ABOUT TIME THAT WE HAD VONE!" Young Frankenstien
  5. Well ok I just Read up on that and my bad! :"> But the Real Bad is Obsidian because they just screwed themselves because in the game they say that the sith are tryin to bring back Nadd in the temple! Well i guess it's just one more story glitch that Obsidian can chalk up on there record!
  6. ok I think in kotor 3 that it should start with a huge fleet coming out of the unknown region of space. A fleet led by the last of the true sith race. Who we find is also in command of another starforge but this one is mobile and built by the sith who was one of the slave races of the great builders (Rakatan)the sith are the race responsible for starting the revolution that destroyed the great builders. The sith fleet with starforge is coming back to those outpost worlds to find out why they stopped receiving a signal from the original SF and find that the sith are gone and in a rage start destroying the galaxy. Trailing the siths is a small fleet of ships led by Revan who found in his searching a group of all races and force sensitive's gathering to.... (LS)Fight this sith menace and put an end to the last great evil who was the one responsible for the Mandalorian wars. (DS)Learn the true power of the sith and Revan wants to become the greatest ruler of all by destroying the sith Lord and taking his place! The exile character has found Revan and is his #2 guy/gal (LS/DS) (LS/DS)Revan and exile run around the galaxy picking up both of there teams and trying to discover the location of the sith fleet. In there travels they find that Duxun is swarming with activity and find that the sith's atempts to revive Fredon Nadd have succeeded and has taken over the Mandalorians Like Exar-Kun did and that Mandalore/Canderous is now his apprentice. And with the combined forces of the sith and Mandalorians they are waging war on Onderon and Telos. (LS)save Mandalore and attempt to slay Nadd (but he flees to the true sith race's fleet) (DS) Kill Nadd and reclaim Mandalor's loyalty to Revan Well I have a lot more story but I'll shorten it abit Telos station get carth and/or bao dur Telos enclave get handmaiden and or Atris and/or Dustil (yes Dustil) Dantooine get Bastila and/or disciple and/or Juhani Narshada get Mira and/or goto Kashikk get Zalbar and Mission or hanhar Korriban get Visas Tatooine get New Character a Jedi possibly Jawa (would be funny If he fights like Yoda in ep2) and/or Jolee Unknown world get a force wielding Rakatan (LS or DS) HK and T3 are still on the Ebon Hawk and are with Revan and the Exile. As for game play you play both Revan and Exile at times in character creation you make two Characters build them as you like Jedi or sith both about level 20 and it also determines what characters you have to look for. (side note) wouldn't it be fun if the love interest in #3 would be between Revan and Exile? :D then Bastila could get into a jelous fight with exile or atris/handmaiden/Visas fight revan
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