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About SystematiC

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  1. The fact that you can't patch a console game is the whole point Hades. When you buy a console game and spend $50 on it, you expect that there shoudn't NEED any patches. Once you buy the game and play it, you can't get a refund for it so you are at that point SCREWED. If you buy a product, and it is defective, you should be able to get a refund right? No you can't with games, because of the endless pirating of them. So once again, its the consumer that gets to eat the cost. Blame Lucas, blame Obsidian, blame BOTH. NEITHER of them are stepping up the the plate and even admitting there is a problem here. What they would have to do at this point to fix it would cost them alot of money and I don't see that happening. Like Reven said in the 2nd post, they wanted to make their money, and thats what they got be releasing it early. The patching of the game is a joke because CONSOLE GAMES SHOUDN'T NEED PATCHES.
  2. I would agree that it might be and probably is more than half Lucas Art's fault. But someone has to start taking some responsibility for this, I mean its the customer that spent 50 bucks on this game that is getting screwed here (pardon my language). When you buy a video game at the store, and you open the package and play it, you are basically stuck with that game because you cannot return it for a refund. What you can do is exchange it for a copy of the same game, but that woudn't be much use here as I have seen no indication that there are any "fixed" copies in circulation. So here I am, spending $50 of my hard earned money for a product that is basically defective, and I cant even get a refund for it!! So it makes me crazy when these forum dwellers try to defend companies when it was their fault that they made or shipped a faulty product. At some point, either Lucas, or Obsidian, or BOTH need to take some responisbility here and do what is right to fix this situation, because its not fair for the customer to eat the expense for an attempt by one or two companies to make more money by releasing a game early so their big fat, golf playing, mercedes driving, executives could get a bigger Christmas bonus this year.
  3. I played KOTOR 1 like a religion, I thought it was one of the best games I have ever played. I think its silly to pretend that the problems with KOTOR 2 don't exist... It was all about the money. They wanted to make their money by releasing the game before it was ready, before Christmas, and now everyone who bought the game is basically just screwed. There is not arguing it, and there is no point in debating it. It sickens me that they would do this to their customers. They had to know about at least SOME of these bugs... All about the almighty dollar...
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