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About Mars

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  1. Mars


  2. Ah cmon we can all rely on giant cabbages
  3. Mars


    Thanks a bunch mr. unpronouncable! (jk) The Rescue was canned unfortunately, I lost inspiration. Nightscape actually has III (3) storylines, not just endings. It took me a month to find them, even with the help of the author who hangs out on the forums.
  4. Mars


    some more for good measure! For a geeky iStory, look at Tron 1.1 Link for a story about a geek try Day in the Life of a Nerd Link and finally for Calvin and Hobbes Link
  5. Mars


    Wow! Thanks so much! I wrote The Rescue, probably not the best. Ok, I am gonna give you three of the best (according to the public) Links are here too Nightscape (Won iStory of the Year) Nightscape is the best istory I have ever read, so yes, get it. (154 pages) LINK CLICK HERE Things That Never Should Happen by the same author, my second favourite Link HERE for a bit of variety there is Flight 27 about a hijacking (smaller length) Link, click here and my favourite unfinished iStory, Red Planet (mars, spacey stuff) link, click here I will post some more if you are interested Joining the forums would be handy, you can talk to other writers and stuff. Thanks for bein interested
  6. Mars


    What choo say?
  7. Mars


    Thank you fion um fionav ah forget it
  8. so what is this thing about? thing? thing?
  9. Mars


    I don't like the bump, but I reckon it deserves it. People, check them out it'll take you 5 minutes max.. cmon.
  10. Mars


    You can view a big explanation, go to iStories, About iStories But for you, I will explain basically there is a program called 'iStory Creator' available from MAD Studios. This thing allows you to a) write iStories and b) Upload to your iPod or c) preview them in your browser An iStory is a thing that you put on your iPod and is viewed using the Notes feature. It all works very seamlessly. They are like choose your own adventures of a sort. Read an FAQ here and Download the program/view the 'About Page'Here. Anymore quesitons post here
  11. irt hades lol
  12. Mars


    Oh and I forgot to add the developer's site www.ipod-soft.com
  13. Titor was a fraud as the planet recently proved Time Travel could only be possible through parralel universes, do you understand what **** could go down If I went back in time, killed my mum, which in turn made me ceace to exist, which in turn made my son ceace to exist, who would turn out to be the president who saved the world (hypothetical, I have no son btw) that would really root everything p.s. irt above: you hurt my brain
  14. Mars


    I know this may be labelled as spam and deleted, but I couldn't see a board for websites. Has anyone heard of iStories? They're like these text games for your iPod. Things like Splinter Cell, some get to 200 Pages, and they're fun to play on the bus or whatever. I just wanted to tell you guys about this cool thing, and here are several links MAD Studios - Heaps of free iStories, there is a forum community and more If you want to ask some other thing, email me [edgardiner@gmail.com] or if you use MSN Messenger, add that address (it works) or Post a question right here Note: Please stop changing the Topic title. Fionavar
  15. I was Neutral, bordering light. Then I reversed it all to fully dark in what I thought was the crappiest design choice ever. and I also killed carth, the whiny prick.
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