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Everything posted by Hegix

  1. That is something I'd like to see more of, like the Trias fight in PS:T. Make the ending near impossible in its base form then, depending on your actions, make it easier as the support for the enemy lowers. For LS you could just remove enemies and for DS some of the enemy will change sides during the "final battle". I want to see more of the results of my actions instead of the world being just the same no matter what I do.
  2. Why not just add a full spectrum of colors like a slider? Or crystals like in kotor, but with the ability of combining colors. Will that make the saber graphics harder to make? I dont know jack about programming
  3. Everyone talks about Revan like he was a male, but the option to play as a woman was there as well. Hence, no Revan/Bastilla offspring unless they want to ignore the players that chose to play a female Revan. (Maybe an adopted Juhani/Revan lesbian lovechild? ) There are too many choices abt how to play KotoR to make the story in SL that closely related. Unless they just ignore what you did and force a story on you, like Jedi Knight.
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