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About OmegaCode

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  1. took me like 58 hours or so. I beat the game finally I only had got 1 black screen glitch and a few walk through walls glitches and that was it, when I had a black screen glitch I wiped my saved games and started over and didn't have another 1. Really wished the game companys took more care with their games when releasing them then they care about the money. I see to much junky games out on the market with tons of bugs and glitches because they want to be fast in getting the games out to the people. What the companys should really care about is having a kick ass game with no bugs or glitches or at least alittle. Can't sell a game much when you got so many bad reviews from players who already tried the games. I liked KOTR 2 even though I love MMORPG's and RPG stlye games but I had gave KOTR 2 a chance.
  2. I find the lack of normality... disturbing :| <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol well I beat the game finally.
  3. Read your other post I had Responded, Same area you had proublem.
  4. yea same on Telos leaving on ebon hawk I had black screen glitch thaught it was because my party members wern't with me when they were spose to be I had passed it after restarting fresh from the begaining, and was able to go past the glitch with no proublems so far. Had made sure that my party members were with me this time when I boared the Hawk. New Xbox Version 1.6 used CD from Hollywood Video no scratches when it happend then I took cd back pissed and couple days later got another cd that had scratches from the place and started fresh and no glitches yet.
  5. but some arn't playing off HDD like me who experiance these glitches.
  6. Whats (J) ? and where use it at? in game?
  7. Yea had read that usely for cheats it take a year or so also heard that Devolpers dont tend to just give out cheats. so wasn't really thinking the Dev's would say they had a cheat menu or not just was curious if the site were scammers which now I believe they are.
  8. ["The second thing is to try flashing your Xboxs momory, to do this you load three seporate games into your Xbox waiting for them to load up to the main menu in each game. Once you have finished with the third game load up the Sith Lords and try a prior game save, this has been known to fix some of the game glitches."] ? never heard of this before can you explain this better?
  9. Here is the solution. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=26529 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not bad seems if I read correctly most black screen glitches come from some kind of error in game thats not spose to happen like party members not being in party when they should be, walking through walls etc....
  10. not knocking you all, but you say it sounds like a scam like meaning you dont know if you added a cheat menu or not lol. But I believe their scammers to.
  11. I would think so. Proubly best if you deleted your other ones if you arn't able to get them anymore and start fresh again. Might keep down any glitches and such.
  12. I had Weird Experiances to seems that if you glitched something that is not spose to happen it causes game to screw up. like you have party members in the party and next thing you know your by your self and do something that is spose to be with your party members causes game to go haywire.
  13. http://www.cheatcc.com/frames.html XBOX Codes Section under S under SW KOTR2 codes Cheat codes (Click here) to go to Cheat Code Central Platinum and get push button codes for Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords that you cannot get anywhere else, including a code to unlock a cheat menu in the game. And it takes you to http://platinum.cheatcc.com/ which it ask you to pay for the cheat. Is these people scamming? is there a Cheat Menu which pushing buttons while playing to bring a cheat menu up? If not they should be reported.
  14. hmmm interesting thing is I got another KOTR2 from Hollywood Video a few days later I had deleted all my saves and restarted over 1 thing I had noticed was that when I had battled the Handmaidens before I had went and got my party members first before doing it and when I faught the Handmaidens after killing 2 or so I kept getting into dialog before completeing the battle and had to keep redoing it tell I found out I wasn't paying much attention. and my party members wern't in my party no more or something because they just stood in the outside pad watching and I couldn't get them in. when I started over again with differn't cd I got finally back to the handmaidens after another 20 or so hours of playing again I faught them first (then I went and got my party members in the party and stuff then went on the Ebon Hawk again which was were my first glitch was and boarded it. everything worked out then no glitch). Now on Nar Shadar Waiting to get the game again. My Hollywood Access Pass expired so had to turn game back in. Christmas getting it again for 3 months. What I am saying is might want to check to make sure you all not glitched with party members not in party like they should be before going the next step. they were spose to be in my party before leaving the Ice Pole Jedi thing. Hope this helps some ps... Thanks all for helping though, I loved MMORPG's and RPG's the most. When I saw KOTR2 on the shelf looking all fansy I said what the heck and gave the game a shot. Now I am in love with the game. Long ago I had tried alittle of KOTR as a demo I think I didn't think it was all good well maybe I didn't catch on to the controls on the pc version that good. I am very happy in giving KOTR2 a shot I diffently buying it sometime soon. For now for Christmas I am getting another 3 month Hollywood Access pass from Hollywood Video which I can rent a game or a pick of any for 3 months which I can take back many times I want. I am getting KOTR2 again to play then I saving the game save I saved on my Xbox
  15. Exactly Same as me I tried abunch of things to also same proublem as your brother. I tried auto saved and 3 other saves and another disc. by loading it
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