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Everything posted by Ganadai

  1. I had the same problem. Deleting parties also deletes the experienced characters in the party.
  2. Quit story mode, then start a new party on adventure B scenario 1 with at least 1 new character. Then you should be able to swap out basic cards. That's what I've always had to do at least.
  3. I just ran into this same problem. Encountered Nualia with Valeros in story mode. It showed his +5 to attack until I revealed a Glaive and then the +5 disappeared. I rolled it anyways and lost the first check because it didn't apply his +5 bonus to the dice total.
  4. I've also ran into this issue once when a Skinsaw Cultist was summoned. Doesn't always happen for every summoned henchman though.
  5. Just to be clear - you selected the "Experienced" tab and it was empty? Yes. In story mode, I had several party tabs that were either empty, with no characters shown in the party, or that contained characters that I had deleted, so clicking on the play button would do nothing. I decided to clean it up by deleting all the party tabs. Then all my "experienced" players, under the experienced tab, except one were missing. I made a new party with the one remaining experienced character, but the next time I logged into the game it was missing too. Again, I had a party tab that showed the last missing character, but clicking on the play button would do nothing, so I deleted that tab too and started over from the beginning with a fresh party. I'll never delete the party tabs again, BIG mistake. My experienced quest players are gone too, but they were only level 7 so I don't really mind them missing as much. However, I only deleted the parties for story mode, so not sure why my experienced quest players are missing too. Yes, I'm still logged into the same Google Play account.
  6. I just found this out the hard way. I went through and deleted all my parties, then went to create a new party with my experienced players and they're ALL missing. I didn't realize deleting the party would also delete all the characters associated with the party. There should be a better warning about this.
  7. When attacking with Kyra, and you do not have a weapon or spell, monsters such as the Ghost are undefeated even when the check to defeat succeeds. It displays the extra d8 for the Turn Undead ability, but does not seem to be adding the magic trait to unarmed Wisdom or Combat attacks until after you reveal a weapon or spell.
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