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About dwmoe

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  1. The developers have said they weren't able to map pledges with add-ons that make them comparable to some edition to that edition; their system is only checking the primary pledge reward for which key you get. You'll still get your strategy guide and extra key via the backer portal. I can't help but feel a little slighted by this. It may mean additional work for employees, but Kickstarter backers should be allowed an exception. Since my pledges are digital and not physical, things are even easier. A Steam or GoG account has the added benefit of being a digital locker, where you can download all of your items in one place. I wish this was made clear at the time of the original post, when I decided to purchase these add-ons.
  2. Following the first post in this thread, I added the Strategy Guide, and an extra download to my Digital Fun Pack pledge, but ended up getting a key for the Champion Edition. Why would I not be getting the Royal Edition instead? Digital Pack + Strategy Guide + Extra Download - $80.00 - Royal Edition
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