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Smiling Bandit

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Everything posted by Smiling Bandit

  1. Well, in my Dark Side game I won't be worried about building up the weak! They must either learn on their own or die! Mwah-ha-ha! Seriously, I hear Bao-Dur has relatively few influence gaining options. Are the tohers this picky? We've been told in this thread that Mira has fairly simple but specific requirements. Is there a specific place I need to look out for for the others: Rand, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden, and Disciple? Again, please try to avoid huge spoilers, aside from area names. Since you hear about those long before you get there, usually, I don't consider it a spoiler to know it exists.
  2. Interesting. Don't they all tend towards the light-side?
  3. Thank you every much! I'm cool with it not having a specific romance (I always thought it was a little odd to have characters wandering around saving the world while getting hot for each other. And I really wanted to make sure I'd pick up Visas Mar the first time around; seems I'll have no troubles there. She seems pretty cool. PS: Are there any characters that can't become Jedi? Is making the onces who can into Jedi simply a matter of taking them along and talking with them and therefore getting your influence high enough?
  4. *Please do not post spoilers here, aside from the exact ones requested!* 1) Are there true romances in this game, or is it more of a friendship/companionship thing instead? I'm fine either way. I just want to know if and who you can get to romance. 2) I've heard that some characters require you to be good or evil to get. Is this true and if so, whom exactly requires a certain alignment? Can I get Visas Marr specifically without being evil? 3) I've heard that several characters can teach you special abiltiies or upgrade yours. Without mentioning exactly who and how, is there some esoteric action or item I might need and would overlook, that is required to get those? *Please spoil as little as possible!*
  5. Simply put, the Prima guide impliues that the sole reason to go for watchman is ranged attacks and sneaking. I prefer neither. My question is whather or not this PrC has something else to offer. Since I'm generally of the opinion that the Prima guides are worthles wastes of paper anyhow, I figured I'd check here. No spoilers, of course, but I just dislike using mines myself. At least, in KotOR they were rather annoying, expensive, and slow to use and so I preferrred battle or force-powers.
  6. Probably, but there's no real reason to stop using AGP. While the next generaiton of gahics cards *might* theoretically use more than the AGP transfer provides, I doubt it will really come close. Here's one thing that time has not rendered obsolete.
  7. There's a good chance it already is "gold"; the fast that they haven't pushed back the release date with only two weeks ot go indicates it was possibly gold a week or two ago. It takes time for the gold master to go to full print production. Of course, Lucasarts is a bit faster than some companies about that.
  8. As I said, I just never got any use out of it. An ability I only use 3 times per game better be much more powerful than, say the consular's +6 to save DC's.
  9. OK, but what special abilities doe they get? Is it still those awful immunities?
  10. Do they have better special abilitites now? That was actually the big flaw in the Sentinal more than anything else: their special immunities practically never came in play. I think, runnign throgh as a scout councilar, that I was affected by one of those stun tpe attacks the Sentinal evades all of 3 times. And one of those was in the first world...
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