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About acschnurr

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  1. Every character now has new switch that must be turned on.Select character and you'll see it. I was looking everywhere in the character menu and I missed the big obvious button that said "toggle AI". Thanks!
  2. Loving the beta, if only for the AI (I get caught up watching the action and only notice halfway through that someone has been standing 'watching the action' as well and hasn't contributed at all). That being said, I can't seem to figure out how to properly enable it. I have set all my characters to 'aggressive' in auto-attack, and a variety of different class-behaviours, but only my rogue will actively seek out enemies. The other 5 characters all sit there passively after they've killed their designated target. Is there a button or a switch that I have clicked for my rogue but no one else? Or am I missing something else? (Am I the only one with this issue?).
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