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Everything posted by starboi

  1. Question: How do testing roles work in obsidian. I mean do you have dedicated testers/Bring Testers in/Staff do the testing?
  2. Thats what my original settings were, i believe its a trigger caused by the Red Eclipse Quest that has locked down any further progress until the quest is complete. I believe the trigger either is located on the loading ramp of the ebon hawk or when the quest is first received. Not to worry, the development team (being the lovely people they are) are looking into this for a solution for us
  3. Im guessing that the trigger wont work unless the actual red eclipse quest is completed or circumvented somehow. Apparently Chris has the original programming team looking into this. Ive been trying a few things, until then.. umm making another save game, leave Nar Shaadaa and complete another planet and come back to it when the problem is solved?
  4. Hmm... try changing the Exchange Favor to 16 as well (of course while your not in the main area of course) and try again. beyond that, i'll try some more stuff tonight. Im not sure whether or not i'll be able to remove the Landing Rights quest from under the quest section, but apparently its not necessary to complete it. The other thing im thinking of trying is leaving for a planet i have already visited (Telos) and change the settings, then go back to Nar Shaadaa and see what happens. I'll let you know as soon as i find anything out
  5. Well Chris has advised setting the Exchange Gap to 16 and my personal advice is to take the Favor up to 260. He said he's gonna have a talk to the other programmers about it as well. Im not at home so havent had a chance to try it yet but that should trigger the exchange meeting... Oh and make the changes on a save game that is saved isnt in the central area... IE the entertainment area, Docks, or Refugee sector and then go back to the central area and wander around the different areas, this should trigger it apparently. Let me know how you go with that
  6. I have tried setting 300NAR_Exchange_Gap to 10 and 8, as well as increasing 300NAR_Exchange_Favour, but neither seems to work. Im using the Global Comparison tool with my save game and a friends save game where he has completed Nar Shaadaa, and there are a few more things yet to try. *sigh* its slow work, but at least my ship is back to normal. I do not believe it has to do with killing the Exchange leader in the Refugee sector. But in saying that, Chris previously has said that you dont have to complete the red eclipse quest to get the exchange meeting, so maybe more than one thing gets broken when this quest breaks. Theres just something im missing, but i'll find it i guess. I have made Chris Avellone aware of these problems and asked him for help with the variables, so i'll see what i get back from him.
  7. Well i found the right variable under the Numerics under Globals. Its under something like "301 NAR Red Eclipse At" and it gets changed to 3. The problem this causes though is that while this sets the Ebon Hawk back to normal, it means the quest is uncomplete and i need to find the other variables which trigger the meeting with the Exchange. Im starting to wonder whether starting again is a viable option but im determined not to lose my game so i will keep looking (and I have found two variables which affect the trigger for meeting the exchange but theres still something im missing!!)
  8. Well i found the set for Nar Shaadaa, so its just a matter of making a back up save and playing around in KSE to see if anything fixes it. I'll let you know if i find something
  9. I have exactly the same problem, i figured i'll do the rest of the planet and hope this will sort itself out. The other option is to use KSE and try to go through all the global settings to set the quest to complete
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