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About histeachn

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  1. I think I must have replied to the same message you mention reading. Didn't know that the actual fix was pending the 2.1 update. Guess I'll take care of other quests until the fix is (hopefully) included in the next patch.
  2. I'm in the exact same boat, and I have it patched to the most recent one. The Wahaki tribe still shuts me out after they find out about Rautai, and I can only read the Wahaki chief's soul from killing her (and thereby everyone in the tribe). Returning to the Queen still results in her being disappointed, but I don't know if that means I can't try to side with them now (I don't want to get too far along if only to find out it will go nowhere). I've attached the quick save file that puts me in the Wahaki palace entrance for the first time.
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