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About Amfortas

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  1. I have a 33% off coupon if anyone wants it. I was planning to use it at some point but apparently it's only valid until the 31st of may, plus it's only for steam.
  2. Dungeons are nice and not long to the point you get tired of them. The endless paths were pretty well done in my opinion, there's a decent amount of story and visual variation, so even though there are 15 levels it never got boring or repetitive to me. But I have to say, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of puzzles or moments where you need to think a bit. The game starts pretty well with the bells in the temple of Eothas, unfortunately that's the only puzzle I encountered in the whole game. The dungeons could do as well, with some places to go back once you've unlocked something in another part of the dungeon or even in another one. Something to prevent clearing levels and advancing through the game from being so routinary: kill everyone, loot everything, explore everything, ok level done, I can now forget about it, next one.
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