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Everything posted by Davenv

  1. Hello, celliott! It wasn't really an inconvenience as I was able to load the game and continue unhindered. Still, thank you. I hope you will figure it out and I'm happy to be of help.
  2. When approaching the transfusion chamber, it's sufficient to open its door to trigger cinematic mode where the camera moves on its own and then a dialogue with Wymund starts. But if you click on the door more than once, as if to open and close them again, the whole scene ends up broken. It begins with the party getting stuck in the doorway. The game reacts to this by doing a fade out to black during which player characters are relocated, and then after a fade in it marches into to room as it's supposed to. Then the dialogue starts and after a second the portraits, log and options UI show up under the dialogue UI. It's then possible to freely move around, enter the inventory and character sheet. Even the game menu is accessible and although a game can be loaded this way, the save game button is inactive. It is even possible to continue the game like that but another conversation cannot be started, object description popups won't show and the broken dialogue UI doesn't allow to select any of its options besides clicking the continue button. It's always reproducible with this game state. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29728588/BrokenDialogueDyrfordRuins.zip
  3. If you read my opening post carefully you'd know that I saw the warning. My problem is that Wenan doesn't warn that agreeing to work with the Dozens is going to make Knights' averse. His words are "I do have something if you don't mind stepping on the toes of Crucible Knights". I don't see how this is implying that accepting the quest means taking the Dozens' side. Think about it from the hero's perspective. Why would telling Wenan that you agree make Clyver unwilling to work with you further? Agreeing isn't even intention, let alone execution. If I completed the quest and brought gear to the Dozens, that unwillingness would be justified. But that isn't the case.
  4. Today I learned that by simply accepting "The Bronze Beneath the Lake" I sided with the Dozens. I neither wanted nor planned this. I actually intended to grab all the gear I find and take Crucible Knights' side in this conflict. But alas, by accepting the quest, I restricted myself from even getting offered the "Winds of Steel" quest. The questgiver does warn the hero that "Crucible Knights won't be happy when he does this", but it doesn't indicate that just by accepting the quest he takes the Dozens' side. I reckon that successfully completing the quest should side the hero with the fraction, which would be reasonable in this case, not merely saying to do so. For now I managed to change conversation node condition as suggested here. This enabled me to continue with Knights' quests. If I'm not able to complete them I think I could try to decrement n_MercenaryHire_State value through console. Nevertheless, I hope this gets changed.
  5. I played some more and noticed - as one would expect - that this is not exclusive to Durance's staff. It happens with all weapons that have any kind of particle effect applied to them. Also, I'm on 1.0.6 now.
  6. I don't know when and why but my Sagani finally regained full Endurance. It might have been after resting in a "Noble's Stay" room in Brackenbury's "The Charred Barrel" inn, but I'm not sure. What's more, when I load the saved game I uploaded in my last post here Sagani's at full Endurance! That's interesting and might suggest that the issue isn't related to the save game files. The problem seems to have vanished. For now at least.
  7. Oh, I tend to not read the forums to avoid spoilers so I didn't know. Thank you for pointing this out!
  8. Ever since GOG Galaxy downloaded the 1.0.6 patch for Pillars of Eternity, the overwhelming sound when reaching for the backer NPC souls is missing. Music is being muted and there's just no sound at all when I start a dialogue with them. Too bad, because I find this sound quite fitting and neat. Here's a save game where I stand near a couple of backer NPCs. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29728588/MissingReachOutForSoulSound.zip
  9. I encountered the same bug in 1.05 with Sagani. I started playing on 1.05, but updated to 1.06 yesterday. The bug is still present. My case is similar to poncho's with Hiravias. I, too, talked with her but did not add her to the party during the first dialogue. I went on to explore the area and even visited different location. Only then did I return and made my mind about taking her with me. I uploaded a saved game just after recruiting her, before leveling. She was in this state from the beginning. You can download it here. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29728588/SaganiEnduranceBug.zip And here's my original bug report from before I knew about this discussion. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80052-105-sagani-not-recovering-full-endurance/
  10. Thank you for linking to the discussion. I'm sure you'll work it out some time soon!
  11. Ondra's gift map view just doesn't look right. There are a lot of spots where it seems to be rendered improperly. If distant camera is used to render the whole map to a texture used on the UI it might have been setup improperly. Basically anything that's underwater is not rendered properly, and there some additional problems. The adra rocks have unnaturally sharp edges, the water is not rendered properly, some objects are not rendered at all (eg. right ship's deck), and there is a noisy brown texture used for a lot of objects (eg. left ship) that also causes them to lose shadowing. Also, when I ALT+Tabbed out of the game with the map view enabled to post about this and then went back to the game this happened. The map texture got switched with a UI tileset. My graphics card is Sapphire Radeon HD6950 running on Catalyst 14.12 (14.501.1003). I've also attached output_log.txt from this playthrough. output_log.txt
  12. Ever since I first met Sagani and took her aboard her Endurance doesn't regenerate to its limit. Even after resting. It always reaches a certain point that is subject to maximal Endurance value, as the gap grows when she reaches next level and rises her Endurance points. There is a grayed-out bar on the upper part of her portrait spanning from the top to the level marking the Endurance value she recovers to.
  13. This is still a problem in 1.0.5 as the Merciless Companion talent is not listed anywhere on the character sheet, even though I picked it when leveling.
  14. When you ask Sagani about her homeland for the first time, she explains a bit and then you can ask 3 specific questions. But when you return to a previous set of dialogue options and ask her about her homeland again, she will just repeat the hero's sentence. I've captured this on the attached screenshot.
  15. After restoring Brighthollow in Caed Nua its first floor became available. In one of the rooms there's a bed that has a magnifying glass icon but no description, ie. nothing happens after clicking on the icon.
  16. There's this man named Aerthus standing on the edge of Madhmr Bridge. A certain part of his soul's description -- visible on the attached screenshot -- is duplicated.
  17. The reason why I posted this is that I'm familiar with exactly this kind of sighting from my development experience and it always happened to be a bug where a shader used improper objects when used to distort a plane. I'm not sure if it's intended in this case so I thought I'd report it anyhow. Not to say it's not cool!
  18. I'm glad to be of help to make the game better. Thank you for fixing bugs and releasing patches.
  19. Characters can be pointed at while the paper page interface is overlayed on them. The effect of pointing at one of my team's adventurers is a small box popping out near their portrait. This can be done even if UI is over them. Moreover, it seems to be related only to this particular interface. On the screenshot I'm pointing at Aloth through the book's description. This is not possible when opening the paper page interface from inventory since it is then overlayed not only on the game's viewport but also on the inventory. I did it by opening the book's description from the looting interface.
  20. It looks like the water ripple shader affects selection circles.
  21. I play with "Hide Selection Circles" enabled so the circles as well as the move waypoints should only be visible when the game is paused. I found two bugs that are related to this. Bug 1. When I pause and unpause the game when any of my characters is moving, their selection circle will disappear upon unpausing but move waypoint will remain until the character reaches its destination. Issuing move command when the game is paused is also affected. Bug 2. Now this one is tough to spot. When I was heading for Raedric's Keep's sewer entrance I noticed that move waypoints are slightly visible with the game unpaused when my team was ordered to move through the water to approach sewer entrance. They weren't green, rather gray and not entirely visible. This looks as a rendering issue and might have something to do with water shaders.
  22. Right before Osyra's room, near the door, there's a shadow that is rendered on top of characters and seems out of place. I reckon it might be a part of fog of war that wasn't cleared properly as well.
  23. I noticed that the flame that bursts from the top of Durance's staff is not rendered properly in the inventory and level-up interfaces. The flame particle is clearly visible only when overlayed on any 3D model, eg. on Durance himself. It's not visible over the background. The same happens with sparks particle (if it's a separate one). Have a look at the attached screenshots. My graphics card is Sapphire Radeon HD6950 running on Catalyst 14.12 (14.501.1003). P.S. Also, Durance's ear sticks out from beneath the helm.
  24. When changing a chant tile delete button works just as backspace in the text field, removing a character that's to the left of the caret and not -- as it should -- to the right. I don't know if it's the only place where this happens as I don't have the means to test it right now.
  25. Whenever I open the map when my team is moving, Durance's fiery staff leaves a tiny orange-red static mark on the map in a place he was when the map was opened. Attached is a zommed map part where you (hopefully!) can clearly see the mark. I guess this affects not only Durance's staff but also all inventory items that use any kind of particle effect.
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