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About Pdubya64

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  • Location
    Staunton, VA


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. Well, color me impressed Obsidian - my Collector's Edition swag showed up at my door today, amazing! T-shirt, linen map, patch, etc. All nice quality. Well done guys, particularly what with all the issues associated with delivering a Kickstarter these days. Oh, and the game rocks too!
  2. Hmm. I don't really remember Obsidian getting into specifics on just what level of involvement and depth, etc. the Beta would entail. To be honest, I don't recall them saying or committing to much of anything, other than the fact there would be a Beta for those who opted-in on it through Kickstarter. Perhaps I am mistaken though as it has been quite a while.
  3. Godlike Rogue or possibly Ranger. So many choices... must... not... falter...
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