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About boffmoffet

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. Hey just a head up to people who received a statue. The white print on the bottom is somehow glued to the bottom, and this can stick to whatever surface you rest the statue on. I found this out after it ruined my old collectors edition painted cloth map from Icewind Dale, as well as my wood dresser my Grandmother gave me. Each irreplaceable piece now has half the deadfire logo glued onto them, and the portion of the map with glue on them will surely become more ruined as grease and dust stick to it. Lame.
  2. I do kinda wanna weigh in that while I was upset by and disagree with Obsidian's decision to not include a physical copy, I do not feel ripped off or intentionally defrauded in the least. I empathize with those who do feel that strongly, but the quality of the other goods is such that I could not in good conscious agree with the word fraud being thrown around. The game itself is very good, which is the strongest benchmark I have when pledging a game. I also trust Obsidian to leave it patched in such a state that I can look forward to when I feel like revisiting Deadfire. The wording on the pledge page could have been less confusing. I do not know if it did not reflect Obsidian's intentions from the beginning or whether the decision to not include physical copies was made later but not well announced, but both would be failures in communications. I am disappointed by the several community members discouraging those already bummed about the situation, telling them to "read better." or pointing out the anachronistic nature of the items. I read a great deal of the dev updates I was emailed, and kept up a bit with twitch and forum stuff, but still did not catch this. If it was announced formally it was not done so with any degree of salience. In this thread and the other about physical goods, no one has linked which twitch stream, dev update, fig blog, tweet, or forum post this change was announced in.
  3. So quick question regarding this topic. If physical editions of the game exist on amazon for sale right now, and have existed from some time, why was one of those physical editions at least not included for physical tier backers. I understand that Dan. H said that the original decision was made so they could ship the units out right at launch, but when that didn't happen and we had to wait quite a while for the shipments to go out, why not amend the orders to include the physical copies that already existed for those who backed at a wicked amount of money in a "physical copy of Pillars of Eternity 2" tier. We pledged at that level and the goods you advertised exist in physical form, and have existed for some time. A reason for not including physical copies with the physical copy tier may have made financial or logistical sense at the time, but surely you see how this is a breach in trust for your backing fans. We fulfilled our part of the pledge with money, you have almost fulfilled your end by making a great game, but not including all the advertised merchandise to some of your most loyal fans leaves the trasnaction incomplete and some of us with a real bad taste in our mouths. (If pledging early and for a large sum of money is an indicator of fandom, which is certainly part of what I am expressing when crowdfunding) Specifically to Dan H, Why bother DMing me on the forums looking for my input into what form physical copy rewards should take if you already have physical copies made that you dont intend to send out to those who pledged at that tier? *apologies for any grammatical or spelling errors, I have a brain injury and writing can be difficult some days.
  4. Yeah, about that "shipping soon". Over here in the Netherlands DHL just dropped my physical order off. In my backer portal it still says "shipping soon" and I never got any tracking info. *shrug* The painted miniatures are kind of bad (which was to be expected), but best girl Pallegina looks all right and frankly she's the only one of the three minis I care about. Can anyone confirm if the card with the Backer Portal Key is effectively a second copy of the base game, if you have already activated the game previously via the Backer Portal? Can confirm. Second key is full copy of the base game. I chose to redeem mine on for a GOG digital key so I could gain access to their offline backups in the face of not getting a physical copy.
  5. So I was voicing dissent in regard to this topic in another thread, I do feel pretty let down, if not lied to, about the physical copy tier. As in this thread half the people in it just wanted me to justify my anachronistic desire. I thought this was strange because regardless of why I like physical copies, I paid for one and the store page I bought/pledged off of specifically stated I would receive both the physical copy and an extra digital backer key so I didn't have to open my box. I got no physical copy and an extra digital key INSIDE the sealed box. For this reason alone I wish people would stop playing devils advocate and asking "Why do you want a physical copy?" and start asking "Why did we not receive a physical copy when one was clearly advertised on the pledge page in writing?" Dan H of Obsidian reached out to me about the issue, asking what form I imagined the physical for taking. I will re-post my reply here as I think it may be productive to the discussion being had, but I wonder why I was asked about the form it would take if physical forms exist for the Amazon copy. "Knowing that disks throw a kink in modern development cycles I think a physical copy in a crowdfund development cycle like this can be flexible in form, but still meet the needs of your customer. Just be upfront about what form it will take. For my own sake I am fortunate to have redeemed on GOG, which provides offline backups of their installers, including the latest patches. I can throw these on a USB and hike with them easily enough. Update it when I get back to town with the latest files. In future projects, if you want to offer a physical copy you could provide an awesome thumb-drive of sufficient size that is themed to the game, with a GOG key. You could use the first version of the GOG installer as the pre-load, so it wont cost money to develop new installers and patchers on Obsidian's side, and backers could just throw the patches and DLC backups on there as you update it, along with their favorite custom portraits or saves. Would even leave you the option to include exclusive digital extras or pre-load installers for things GOG version backers missed out on like the Deadfire Scavenger Hunt code items."
  6. I just communicated this idea to Dan, but the I thought it might be productive enough to share with the community. I am kinda lazy tho so gonna copypaste. Knowing that disks throws a kink in modern development cycles I think a physical copy in a crowdfund development cycle like this can be flexible in form, but still meet the needs of your customer. Just be upfront about what form it will take. For my own sake I am fortunate to have redeemed on GOG, which provides offline backups of their installers, including the latest patches. I can throw these on a USB and hike with them easily enough. Update it when I get back to town with the latest files. In future projects, if you want to offer a physical copy you could provide an awesome thumb-drive of sufficient size that is themed to the game, with a GOG key. You could use the first version of the GOG installer as the pre-load, so it wont cost money to develop new installers and patchers on Obsidian's side, and backers could just throw the patches and DLC backups on there as you update it, along with their favorite custom portraits or saves. Would even leave you the option to include exclusive digital extras or pre-load installers for things GOG version backers missed out on like the Deadfire Scavenger Hunt code items. You gotta admit an animancy thumb drive of copper banded arda would have been cool.
  7. I thought that my anally listed factor number 3 addressed the point with a conceit. Yes 1.0 versions of games are imperfect, especially RPGs, but they can still act as a playable base for when conditions are not ideal. Its better than nothing. Sure I can preload a few games and keep steam in offline mode, but that is assuming I have access to the hardware I am running for the job before I reach the site and can download the games before I leave town and throw steam in offline mode. Those are all a lot of conditions I do not control on every job. Showing up on the job with 3 or 4 physical games is my insurance for getting to pursue my hobby. On a different side of things, maybe if companies were still expected to invest in physical disks still during initial release they might be more inclined to ship with a more stable 1.0. We might also get more releases with sweet ringed binder manuals and amazing cloth maps that used to accompany RPGs, without the need for a higher price points. Nowadays its just "Well its close enough to ready, lets just end beta and use a larger sample to bug stomp from here on out."
  8. /sarcasm "Because everyone life experiences are just like yours and so they must just like to be difficult." /sarcasm Some people, myself included, have to plan to game in offline environments for work. In my case that can mean a new computer or laptop per job or per site. Further GIS software will take whatever amount of RAM you throw in a computer and consume it like a 14 year old in a growth spurt then ask for more. Re-installs happen often in the field. Games who have physical copies are gold to me. This need is complicated by 3 factors, some old, some recent. 1. Physical Copies of software are obviously becoming rare due to digital delivery. Then people like Lexx pop up and further encourage the industry to keep moving away from physical copies because golly who could possibly want a old physical copy of a game. Further industry giants the size of GOG or Steam services can start to stagnate or decline, disks are like an insurance policy against that. That may sound paranoid to some, but I have been around long enough to know it COULD happen (/Eyeball lovely collection of old disks.) 2. Some games with physical copies completely rely on digital services regardless of containing a patched version of the game complete on the disks. Mass Effect Trilogy comes to mind for me, a great buy for field and rural cabin playing I thought, but required stupid origin to boot up or work anyway, so turned out useless. 3. RPG's are complicated and often buggy at launch. 1.0 versions are not the most useful things to have in this genre. Its part of the beast, and as my drug of choice I have to be understanding of that. Unfortunately Obsidian is like the belle of the ball in this category. They release things SO rough and kinda rely on community to finish play testing and bug fixing for them. I always find the end result enjoyable, but we all know Obsidian 1.0s are some of the lowest standards in the industry. \ Beyond and despite all these things at a base level the company asked for 200 dollars for support and gave assurance as to what we would receive for our pledges. As you can see from Cryocore's posted pic, Obsidian said we would receive a physical copy of the games AS WELL AS a digital key for those who dont open CE boxes. They advertised it at a pledge level that costs 200 dollars. For such a significant amount of money (and personal faith), I believe a company like Obsidian who has so greatly benefited from its supporting community should at least now recognize that not providing us with everything promised was a mistake that needs to be rectified. On another note, I do want to say thank you Dan for continuing to communicate with us here. I appreciate that you have been so communicative with us on this issue and others post snaffu. It does inject some new good faith into the process.
  9. Hi Urthor, that's an RR Donnelly tracking number, I believe, and I've been able to track the few that have crossed my path here: https://www.aftership.com/couriers/rrdonnelley If the decision to not include physical copies of the game with the physical backers copies at all made sense at any time during your meetings, that is some group think level bad decsion making to begin with. What part of "the cards were us trying to be upfront about it..." makes sense when up front would have been TELLING US UP FRONT that physical copies would not include a DVD or CD version of the game? What is up front about this at all? That most people would have found out when they received their copies if they dont check the forums? Beyond that at what point in the game making and pledging process was such a decision reached? Because if it was after you started taking our pledges and money that the logistics of a physical copy were discussed, I think it was probably way past the point that you SHOULD be talking about that because people have already given you money in good faith based on the information available to us. The key bit of info at that point being the physical tier including the name and term "physical" in it at all. Maybe I gotta get over this, but I honestly feel the level of transparency at this point is unacceptable on this topic.
  10. Thanks for the pictures dog days, those look great. Od Nua/Eothas statue looks absolutely amazing. Yeah I am still gonna call false advertising on that one. Physical copy means PHYSICAL COPY unless there is an asterisks or addendum on the immediate storefront/pledge page. Obsidian cant charge 200 dollars for a physical copy and expect us to read the fine print on one of the 5 pages they were posting early backer info on. Honestly this one detail is a deal breaker for me in regard to supporting future projects. I knew it was gonna be released in a state I consider to rough for release. It did. Within an hour of gameplay I had bugs that ruined the narrative pacing for the game, letting me know I need to wait a few patches. That's Obsidian, the end product is always worth waiting for a few patches. The rest of these physical goods look great, the quality I was expecting, albeit a little late with a little communications snaffu. I can chill, I love your games. But no physical copy shipping with my physical copy reward tier? That takes me from ludicrous levels of backing to a fan who will buy the collectors edition 2 years after release when its on sales for $20. (inner dialogue) Shut it down, Lemon. Shut it down.
  11. Mine had a case with a card in it that contained a code that you needed to enter on the site to get your code to download online. This is so incredibly lame and not at all what people expect when they order a "physical copy." At least me anyway. LAME LAME LAME Obsidian. Also the tracking number they gave me says its for DHL but the email links me to USPS but neither has the tracking info. But for real Obsidian, Dan, backers ordering physical copies of the games should in fact receive PHYSICAL COPIES! I am a cartographer, I spend large swaths of time sleep in cabins and work sites in the middle of nowhere working with GIS software that can kill any PC from time to time, much less laptops. The physical copy was a real purposeful and strategic move on my part. Any chance this disappointment in false advertising gets addressed?
  12. Does the collectors edition have a actual physical copy of the game for possible offline install?
  13. Thank you so much for sharing this response. Good to have that update.
  14. Gods help us all, that much absorbed fig fund power he could kickstart any kind of game he wants, through manifest will alone! Everyone clear your minds! *Que Stay Puft Marshmallow Man dating sim game.
  15. They are not updating the backers at all on this. No word on the dev stream this week, no reply on two other similar threads. Really disappointing. Really terrible communication. What little updates have been given include no details of actual timelines and no explanation about delays or even the process so their backers know whats going on. Other things I have backed at least bother telling you WHY things are delayed and whats being done on their side to fix it. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95895-a-look-into-the-fig-physical-items/ https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102438-collectors-edition-delivery-pending/
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