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Archmage Silver

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Posts posted by Archmage Silver

  1. It is a very minor scam they've set up on Steam; they're doing it so that they can get the cents that you cannot use for purchases. For a single person it is just miniscule; for millions of patrons ... it means big dollars that no one will miss ... or at least not care about. The cards when collected in a set (which you have to buy half of) give a badge, a 'level up' on your id and at every ten levels an increased chance of cards/ booster packs. For each set you collect you gain tiny bonuses such as backgrounds for profiles and unique emoticons and discount cards ie 70% off such and such a purchase.

    If you're smart you can use this boom to your advantage and sell your cards; I managed to scrape together enough for a few on sale games.

    You can also get the smaller DLC packs for games you already own. :)

  2. Great update, thanks for the detailed information! :)


    Re: UI. I like it, it's organic, and it doesn't really distract you, although I'd think about leaving the bottom part of the wood without nails, there are quite a few of them now. The nails in the corners could be replaced by carvings. As for the dialog itself... it's a bit heavy on the quotation marks right now IMO. You could use brackets, italics or equivalent for actions, descriptions etc., so you wouldn't have to use quotation marks for the actual character speech options.


    Summary: Less nails, more carvings. Less quotation marks, cleaner & clearer dialog.

    • Like 2
  3. I like this topic, I've always enjoyed coming up with items (and modding them in after one playthrough where possible). So, let's see...


    Mask of the Eighth Circle. Prevents Ciphers from reading your mind (dialog). +2 Intelligence. Increased chance to resist mind control spells like Dominate, Charm, and Confusion.


    Stone Shield of Aigon +3. Medium Bonus to AC. Makes you immune to Paralysis and Turn to Stone effects. Requires high strength.


    Staff of the Restless Seas +4. High attack roll bonus. Cast Depths Below once per day (summons the drowned dead). Cast Summon Water Elemental (Large) once per day. Waterbreathing (don't need to drink potions of Waterbreathing).


    The Old Man's Drinker +2. Assassin's dagger, which steals life force from your target proportional to the damage done, healing you. Can be used against party members. Ineffective against undead and creatures without blood. 5% chance to summon a Shade, which may turn against you if your health gets too low.


    The Red Ring. Cursed, can't be removed. Bonus to Strength, Health, and Intimidation. 30% chance to succumb to bloodlust when in combat or provoked in dialog, ending the conversation in violence. If under bloodlust while in combat and the enemy surrenders, you slay them.

    • Like 3
  4. On some level in the Endless Paths, it would be interesting to find a necrotic 'settlement'. As in the walled settlement in film 'No Escape', this is a fortified encampment inhabited by undead that have retained some vestige of their humanity and are battling for survival against the surrounding hostile forces.


    The settlement inhabitants aren't necessarily all that friendly to humans--nor are they particularly virtuous in nature--but they do like what surface dwellers can provide so they allow them in... on probation. There the party can trade for some particularly unique items that have been scavenged from the surrounding areas (surviving much as in the shops in Nethack). The party could also do some non-combat side-quests related to the particular issues of the settlement, which only living creatures with souls can resolve. For completing these quests, perhaps they find some tidbits of information that are useful further down.


    For the settlement to have survived as long as it has, there must be some unique feature that provides protection against the more powerful dungeon dwellers. Maybe an old shrine, or a well of life force provides a ward at the entrance requiring a certain key or crystal to pass?

    Kind of like the Dead Nations in PS:T? I'm game.

  5. No no no, the game obviously starts with the PC's village being attacked by black riders. Duh!

    Nah, I know it'll start on a ship. Then the ship crashes and sinks, and you'll wake up on a beach, but you're tied to the ground with stakes and rope by some wild orlans. I got this information directly from my Subway cashier's second cousin's brother's best friend's internet acquaintance.

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