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Everything posted by velocitygirl

  1. Did I miss something?? I just played through as a LS female and even though there were a couple of cutscenes implying that Atton and Disciple were attracted to my character and might at some point take things further I never got any dialogue options that got the romance underway (despite my desperate efforts the only sweet nothings I could get Atton to utter were about Pazaak...most boring ) I was under the impression that those few rather uninspiring snippets is all we female Exiles get in the romance stakes unless anyone else can prove otherwise??
  2. You're right...Nihilus was a total pushover...as was Sion. I was getting so psyched up the for mother of all battles on the bridge and was stunned that it was all over so quickly and so easily. Pah...Nihilus I spit on your grave!
  3. I think I'm probably about 99.9% through the game for the first time and in regards to the original post I'm in total agreement. If that's the extent of your interaction with your playable characters then I am severely disappointed. At the moment I'm playing as a LS female and have been continually badgering my crew to throw me some new lines...and virtually nothing! I thought the previously mentioned cutscene between Atton and Disciple (where Atton tells him to back off, he was saw you first) appeared to hint at some kind of handbags at dawn scenario where you would have to choose between them but so far...nada! For me the involving character interaction was one of the most enjoyable aspects of the first game and it's a real shame if this is all we're getting
  4. I'm from the UK also, I got my copy from Game and they said the same thing when I bought it. However, I have worked in retail for 6 years (in the game department of a store) and speaking from personal experience if you say your game is faulty the store won't have a leg to stand on. Plus, installed on your PC or not, the game will not work without the first disc. Anyway, hope you finally get it working and none of this is an issue
  5. After about 24 hours of utter frustration and some major tweaking I have finally overcome the black screen of death, crashing and serious slowdown. For the time being the game works fine on my laptop, although I don't expect this for one minute to last *crosses fingers*
  6. Why can't you take it back?? So long as you have the receipt you are within your rights to get a refund or an exchange.
  7. I'm having the exact same problem on my laptop, my graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 so if anyone can give me some pointers I'd be grateful. At the moment I'm having to play it with the movies disabled (which is far from ideal) otherwise it just will not work unfortunately. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yo mate, can you send me your swkotor2.INI file please, i just want to see if it would work for me too without movies...i ofcourse already tried but nonetheless, please upload it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well...get this, I downloaded the omega catalyst driver for my graphics card with absolutely no confidence it would work...and what do you know, it now works with movies! Well they do say that what you gain in one area you lose in another and how right they are. Now it keeps slowing down and crashing in Dantooine and I can't get any further It's fair to say I've reached the end of my tether with the PC version, the world and his wife will not make this game work properly. Gonna take it back and get the xbox version *sigh* and to think I'd just about recovered from the whole Half Life 2 fiasco...NOT HAPPY
  8. I'm having the exact same problem on my laptop, my graphics card is an ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 so if anyone can give me some pointers I'd be grateful. At the moment I'm having to play it with the movies disabled (which is far from ideal) otherwise it just will not work unfortunately.
  9. I'm not bothered at all, it was never my intention to mislead anyone...and I've always hated petty squabbling on boards so I'll apologise!
  10. Well thanks for your acceptance oh divine one!!!!
  11. Jesus christ...no I am not a "hoax" yes I joined today seemed like as good a day as any and yes I only have 16 posts (well forgive me for not spending my whole Sunday glued to the computer screens). The OXM for December was released on Friday in the UK so anyone in this fair old country can pick up a copy and see the self same feature and quote in the mag...not my own word of mouth at all I think you'll find <_<
  12. I live in the UK...I've just been checking some other websites and there are so many conflicting dates I have absolutely no idea which is the correct one One thing is for sure...the UK sure doesn't seem to be getting it this year
  13. Okay get off your soapbox, I'm just going by the information that's been given to me (seeing as it's part of my job). As far I was made aware (and this was confirmed by several colleagues of mine) KOTOR II was not going to be released this side of Xmas and judging by various online retailers (let's face it Amazon would be the first to get those pre-orders flooding in) that I checked those doubts were confirmed...and no I can't call them up and check as it's 7.00 in the frigging evening where I am, it's Sunday and I can't be bothered...kapiche? <_<
  14. Huh? At the official LA site it says Dec 6. What are you talking about? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought it was quite a well known fact that it had been put back...I've just checked no less than 5 online retailers and they all say Feb-March for the UK, same for the US. I'm also a games buyer for a certain retail website and the pre-release info I recieve says the same thing...not till early next year folks. Looks like the official website is in dire need of updating!
  15. You might want to re-arrange your diaries...the game's not coming out till March next year (on XBox at least) " Edit - Make that April for PC users!
  16. Apparently silver, white and dark green (and by dark green I mean almost black) are all confirmed new lightsaber colours for KOTOR II...
  17. The feature does have an interview with Mike Gallo so it is straight from the horse's mouth as it were...there is a line towards the end that I've just noticed actually that says the game will feature "cameos from beyond the grave" but won't elaborate further than that...intriguing stuff indeed.
  18. To be honest one of the main reasons I want to get KOTOR II is to see how things turned out for the old crew, not just through conversations with others but to be able to talk to some of the characters first hand...and if that definitely isn't going to be included in the sequel then in my eyes it's gonna be a poorer game. I'm rather attached to my old Ebon Hawk buddies you see
  19. Well seeing as you're definitely going to be visiting planets such as Telos (Carth's home planet) plus Dantooine and Korriban once more it would seem a little odd for there to be no interaction with some of the ex-Ebon Hawk crew...which is why I'm thinking this snippet is questionable. I'm sure if it was set in stone there would have been a spoiler warning in the mag, which there wasn't.
  20. Here's the quote from OXM - "Shrouded in San Franciscan fog, deep in the aptly named Lucas Valley, sits Skywalker Ranch. You'd never know that inside a low-set building nestled under shady willow trees the last Jedi was fighting a bitter struggle for survival against staggering odds. You'd never know that the entire cast of KOTOR had been slaughtered save for a single malfunctioning droid. And you'd never know that the Sith had swept across the galaxy in a way that Vader could only dream of 4,000 years later." And there you have it!
  21. Cheers MaGuS Anyway...back on topic. It would be strangely ironic that the only surviving member of your team from the first game was the least interesting and most useless of the bunch, let's face it, T3M4 was little more than a souped up dustbin whose only function was to get you into the Sith Base at the beginning of the game...
  22. Erm...can someone tell me how to delete my other posts please...cheers!
  23. Apologies...my computer's gone a bit screwy :"> Trying to delete the others but not having much luck....
  24. If you've read the KOTOR II feature in the latest issue of Official XBox Magazine were you as surprised (as I was) to hear that your entire squad from the first game has (apparently) been slaughtered in the sequel?? I thought it was a certainty that characters from the first game would appear to a lesser extent in Sith Lords...or are OXM talking out of their behinds?? I do hope so...
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