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Posts posted by Harlath

  1. Hello Obsidian!


    The Annihilation quality still doesn't seem to be working in the 3.02b patch.


    Apologies if you're aware of this already!


    I tested this with the Houes of St Rumbalt weapon and attacking a comrade - many of the crits I scored were lower than they should be if the additional crit multiplier from Annihilation was being applied properly.


    Keep up the good work guys,



  2. Indeed, great to see the stronghold get upgraded like this. An interesting new series of quests, the new details in the quests you can send the companions on and the interesting dilemmas all show Obsidian listening.


    I'll confess I liked the stronghold already despite its flaws, but this makes it feel much more like part of the game world.


    I'll confess I took a picture of my PC sitting in judgement because it looked cool.

  3. I recently found out that the effects from Faith and Conviction (the Paladin talent that improves your Accuracy and Defenses proportionally to how high and how representative of your order your reputation is) doesn't actually scale the Accuracy and Defenses bonuses according to reputation, as it should do according to its description. Any estimate on whether this will be fixed in the next patch?

    Good news - this should be fixed in 3.02. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84270-main-character-paladin-faith-and-conviction-doesnt-add-disposition-bonus/


    There's a temporary workaround for the main PC that I describe to in the thread linked above, but it reverts NPCs to the old Faith and Conviction too.

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  4. Thanks for the prompt reply Aarik! Hope today (and the coming days) aren't too stressful. Look forward to a solution.


    Other players struggling with this - you can revert back to the 2.03 version of Faith and Conviction by using the old files, a copy of which are contained in this mod (only really helps if you've just running one paladin as the main character).



  5. Hello Obsidian,


    It seems that "Faith and Conviction" doesn't scale with the main character's reputation anymore? It only scales with overall level, as it does for NPCs.


    Please add this back in, as it was flavourful to adhere to your order's teachings and the change has made the ability less useful for paladins.


    Not 100% sure on this, but tried to do some testing by adding/removing disposition points with the console and triggering in-game events, neither of which adjusted my character's defence bonuses from faith and conviction.


    Similarly, adding points in opposed dispositions didn't decrease the ability's bonuses.


    This seems consistent with the beta bug previously reported below but hasn't been fixed?



  6. Awesome news ... 


    Thanks Brandon :D


    Next week? That's monday???





    Monday is Labor/Labour Day in North America, so Obsidian probably have the day off. If we assume at least a day for testing then we might have to wait until Wednesday at the earliest.


    Good news, just trying to come up with a realistic earliest estimate.


    Sounds like testing balance and systems will be much easier once the bugs have been squashed.

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