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Ricc Maal

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About Ricc Maal

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I've just read the announcement that they may be closing down the forums because they don't have anybody to patrol them or do community management (it is in the announcement section on this spoiler forum). I hope they don't do that... it seem they will decide this next week on the 7th. I am having fun just hanging around and commenting on the game. I did LS, I did DS this time around it will be Grey Side! }}}} Kreia is right {{{{{
  2. At the end of Goto's ship one of my NPCs got stuck in another room while I battled all the droids near the bridge. They were somehow killing me with each blow (all my party members down) but everybody would just get back up with 0 health hit them once and then die again... this kept happening until I won. At which point my lost NPC came back... LOL
  3. You have to talk to Kreia at some point and then she asks you to choose your next level. I was on my fourth planet when this happened but I am not sure what I did to trigger it.
  4. I've just finished my second run of KOTOR2 I did DS Male and boy let me tell you... I didn't get it. So I killed Kreia at the end... so what. I was really disappointed. I replayed several times trying to get some other ending but no. You push Kreia off and that is it. Cutscene to the planet and a galaxy. In a couple of replays I got a future glimpse on my companions but that is it. No galaxy to fight/conquer, no army bowing down before me, no other task to complete. Not even a lover to go back to. Very unfullfiling. In another replay I got some comments about going where Revan is and fight... Why exactly would I do that? I am a Dark Lord, not some hero going to rescue the Republic... I tried to imagine myself after I push Kreia off. You are still alone (you leave all of your companions and this is not an option). You have no ship. And no task... No conclusion just like this post. Very annoying.
  5. It may be a balancing issue. I had my character miss 15 straight times in one fight (I was so annoyed that I started counting them). It routinely misses even with Lightsabers or any weapon for that matter. This is my second run and in the first this wasn't an issue but in this second one, it looks like my character is fighting with his eyes closed. The behaviour was 3 misses 1 hit, 4 misses 1 hit. Not until I got master flurry that I started connecting... but even then I am having 3 hits 1 miss, 5 hits 2 misses. I got killed a couple of times because I just coulnd hit anything... had to start using the force...
  6. I have encountered many bugs: * from things that don't let you finish a level (in Goto's ship I couldn't shutdown the power so I couldn't open the door to leave --- had to replay the whole level). * I had a bug last night that certain answers in dialogue to NPCs would take to the startup screen... I was saving before talking to anybody * from characters that change without prompting... Atton was switching with Kreia * Alignments that change at the drop of a hat. I would get Handmaiden almost all dark and the next minute she would be grey and the next minute almost dark again (all within a couple of minutes with no action in between) * I get dialogue options telling me of events that haven't happened yet (I am no my second run> 1st> LS 2nd> DS and 3rd> NS) ... I get frustrated with the game but I want to finish... let's hope that KOTOR III would be better tested.
  7. I had to restart the level, I also changed characters from Kreia to Visas and kept T3. There were still a few minor problems this time around but it worked (a lot of slowdowns, frame rate drops and incomplete cutscenes). I found no other way to solve the problem.
  8. Thanks... I will try it and let you know.
  9. This is just the level where you are in Goto's ship 1) first at the beginning of the level my selected characters would change randomly *I had Kreia and T3* and Kreia would be briefly replaced a couple of times by Atton. 2) On one of the consoles it allowed me to access the power supply menues and allowed me to make changes *and I wasn't in the bridge* 3) When I entered the room with the droids, mines and droid console T3 started to say something and the cutscene was cut short but T3 dialogue would not leave the screen. I had to save and reload for it to go away. 4) The mines near the bridge would not go off. I walked all over them with my party members and they would not go off 5) Can not end the level. The power supply will not shut down. It gives me a "failure. Main power supply can not..." Other levels: 1) T3 was blown out of the playing universe. I could see the world but I could not reach it 2) Restarts (three or four) 3) Duplicated dialog choices 4) Corrupted screen (messages and menues would appear but would not completely disappear aftwards) - so you can see the fight, part of the inventory, the last 4 dialogs... 5) As a LS... influence stopped working so could not get any more of the backstory 6) Dialog options for characters would not change after the third planet 7) Light mastery was stuck... did evil things and meter or stats would not change. Fuel quest, Voggas, smuggling quest would not close 9) NPC would not follow into battle (with aggressive behavior) or would run away *cowards!!* 10) Influnce would be awarded or lost for a party member not present (party would be HM, Visas & message would read Influnce lost: Atton) 11) PC could not go through an open door. Had to backtrack and then retry. It would just run in place at the open door. 12) Finish the family reunion (name?) quest by killing husband and freeing wife and she would thank me for reuniting with husband but quest will not close. Not sure if its a glitch... but I would get 15 or so consecutive misses with a doulble bladed saber using master speed for three consecutive rounds against an unarmed combatant I had more... I will try to post them latter.
  10. I've seen a lot of views but no replys. Is anybody else having this problem? This is my second time through the game and I am sure I have done everything. The game glitched four other times in this level... 1) first at the beginning of the level my selected characters would change randomly *I had Kreia and T3* and Kreia would be briefly replaced a couple of times by Atton. 2) On one of the consoles it allowed me to access the power supply menues and allowed me to make changes *and I wasn't in the bridge* 3) When I entered the room with the droids, mines and droid console T3 started to say something and the cutscene was cut short but T3 dialogue would not leave the screen. I had to save and reload for it to go away. 4) The mines near the bridge would not go off. I walked all over them with my party members and they would not go off. I may have to restart the whole level...
  11. I am stuck on Goto's ship. I can't shutdown the power supply. I have switched everything to secondary power. But when I use override, shutdown or reset it always gives me a failure... I have killed everything!!! and tried every console... Any help????
  12. I made Handmaiden, Atton and Mira Jedis. That was not a problem. But after the third planet the dialogs didn't change anymore. Bao Dur stopped talking to me altogether (I was LS mastery). Stuff kepts happening but they wouldn't react to anything, and also no more influence gained or lost messages. For the time being I decided not to play it anymore... the game feels rushed with many bugs (I documented them in another tread). Thanks for everyone's responses. I need to redo the game if I want to try other conversations choices.
  13. Thanks for the replies. I actually went through each character in different situations... and nothing. After more than a few hours of redoing parts of the game I looked up the influence thread (the one in the spoilers forum) and followed the instructions there, but still no luck. It was a shame because I feel I missed a huge chunck of the story... After finishing the game I started a new one (being DS) but I quit after and hour... I just couldn't deal with doing everything again in the hope that I would learn more... I'll wait a few weeks before retrying again.
  14. I've been looking at posts that KOTOR 3 is on hold at Lucas Arts. I do hope it gets made... It will not be for Xbox 1 (or it should have been anounced already). If may be for Xbox 2 and PC... My only request is that they fill the holes in this storyline... It seems there are many questions and few answers.
  15. Has anybody lost the ability to influence people? After about half the game (and a couple of crashes) it seemed that no matter what I did I could not get any more influence on people. I even followed the influence guide in this forum but nothing happened (no message about gaining... no change in conversations). So after about half a game I got the same conversations over and over again... I also got all my jedis to light mastery and no matter what evil deeds I did the would not turn evil... The end result is that I couldn't learn anything from my party members...
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