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Everything posted by Mother

  1. My issue was resolved thanks to support. Cards were available but now shown in collection (display bug). And missing dice were added. Thanks How did you engage support? I still have no luck, and I've not heard back from anyone.
  2. In your Collection with the Owned Filter active, if you own them, you'll find the Eder Ally and Pallegina Ally cards under the B tab, and the Goblin Golem of Obsidian Ally card under the P tab. Make sure you've also selected the Ally symbol. I checked, and while I have the Goblin Golem of Obsidian, I'm missing Eder, Pallegrina and the 6 legendary dice. Ok, after closing and restarting the IoS and Steam versions this morning, I now have 5 of the 6 legendary dice, and still no Edar or Pallegina. I'm not sure if the entitlements are slowly getting applied, or if my account merges are totally screwed up. I now have 6 of the legendary dice (oddly, only 12 Fiery Core but 18 of the others), and still no Edar or Pallegina (not in collection, stash, or unclaimed). Can an admin or dev check my account for oddities? ID is 6499DE67DDCBBA44 I appreciate any help you can provide!
  3. In your Collection with the Owned Filter active, if you own them, you'll find the Eder Ally and Pallegina Ally cards under the B tab, and the Goblin Golem of Obsidian Ally card under the P tab. Make sure you've also selected the Ally symbol. I checked, and while I have the Goblin Golem of Obsidian, I'm missing Eder, Pallegrina and the 6 legendary dice. Ok, after closing and restarting the IoS and Steam versions this morning, I now have 5 of the 6 legendary dice, and still no Edar or Pallegina. I'm not sure if the entitlements are slowly getting applied, or if my account merges are totally screwed up.
  4. In your Collection with the Owned Filter active, if you own them, you'll find the Eder Ally and Pallegina Ally cards under the B tab, and the Goblin Golem of Obsidian Ally card under the P tab. Make sure you've also selected the Ally symbol. I checked, and while I have the Goblin Golem of Obsidian, I'm missing Eder, Pallegrina and the 6 legendary dice.
  5. I appear to have a similar issue as Mysterio. While I successfully linked my IoS and Steam versions (RoR characters and gold merged), I can't seem to find the promotional ally cards in my collection nor can I find any of the dice. Am I missing something? My PFID is 6499DE67DDCBBA44.
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