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Everything posted by push

  1. I can confirm all of the above works like a charm, although the StartQuest part does not appear to be necessary. The next quest started for me, ages ago before I even began this topic, automatically when I entered Defiance Bay interestingly. It would also be great if somebody had a place to get the IEmod thingie without having to subscribe to that page. I have tried everything and it doesnt work. and also if the only way to unlock the ghost room on the 13th level is to absorb the knowlage it is a bigass fail!! i am NOT loading Nua again as i have completed it all just so i can absorb his knowlage and open the last door that i need to open in order to get the last piece of a sword in the game!! im JUST NOT!!
  2. Did you speak to both ghosts and exhaust all conversation options? The other ghost is south of the door. This is a different door related to Maerwald's soul and it's only available if you absorbed the knowledge. im only speaking about that table clicking room. i have completed all the other levels of Nua and cant get the last part of the blade so the quest is dead.
  3. I have progressed my main quest to where i have learned the language. I can now speak with the ghost on level 13 and he does give me the password. When i try the password on the door It says Traitors may not pass and im STILL stuck! ( .... Also the door in the ghost room wont open. the button for it isnt clickable and i CANT advance my Sword quest either.... Somebody said to bypass it by installing the IE Mod ( and using Jump console cheat ) but it is not accessable without paying and registering. Anybody know if and when this will get fixed?
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