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Everything posted by Morkatog
Edit2: I left the info below cause I thought it might be interesting, but the console command you need is: UnlockAllEquipmentSlots CompanionGUID , which can be found in characters.gamedatabundle. For Eder this would be UnlockAllEquipmentSlots 31167607-7bfd-417c-8dd6-d1808e4e2bb9 You pointed me in the right direction and I fixed it It wasn't the DestroyWeaponInSlot but RemoveItem, because no matter how much you mod it, it's not seen as an equipment item by the game. For anyone else running into this problem: 1. Get yourself the mod that allows you to use iroll20s without losing achievements from NexusMods. 2. Launch the game, hit ~ and type iroll20s 3. hit ~ again and use the console command Use RemoveItem 3adfc7b9-aac1-452d-a213-e4636312e8b2 (copy paste that line) twice to remove both. Are you experiencing this bug with another summoned weapon? The easiest way to find its GUID is to download and install NotePad++ > install the json viewer plugin > open your gamedata folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\exported\design\gamedata) and open the file 'items.gamedatabundle' with Notepad++ > Click Plugins > Json Viewer > Format JSON >hit ctrl + f and search for the item name > note down the value behind "ID": 4. hit ~ again and use GiveItem <itemguid> to add the item to your stash, for example GiveItem d57c9ad6-2380-427b-86f2-b9a7134e7eba. The item GUID can be found using the info in step 3. Equip the items again and you're good to go. EDIT: Unfortunately it seems the weapon slot is completely locked. I'll have to find a way to edit the weapon / shield directly into the slots. I'll update this post once I figured out how.
Thanks for your suggestion Thelee. I confess I have no idea what happened when it got stuck; I only noticed much later that it did. Recasing it didn't work either. Unfortunately I also couldn't find anything console command related or otherwise that might help me despawn them. I even tried modding the Reaping Knives to make them seem to be actual equipment. A scroll of firebrand made no difference unfortunately either.
Hey guys, After having once cast Reaping Knives on Eder, I seem to be completely unable to remove them and they won't despawn no matter what I do; traveling, removing from party, disabled mods, etc. I doublechecked with the console command ToggleObjectHierarchy which shows the actual equipment still being present, but I can't find anything that allows me to remove the weapons. Any idea how I can fix this? My latest save was much larger than 1 MB, but it can be found at https://moradin.stackstorage.com/s/52ovXzcUrSwOJN1
The whole you can't buff before combat is the reason I didn't get POE2. There is nothing more annoying then having a fighter, but no system that allows him to keep aggro, and then seeing all enemies run off to your squishier party members and flooring them in seconds, unless you keep them a 100 yards away, start buffing for 4 rounds the second combat starts. Either give me the ability to blast off spells and survive being meleed by a guy 3 levels lower without buffs, or allow me to pre-buff.
Fireball... in many D&D (and other) based games one of my favourite spells. In Pillars of Eternity a disappointment, simply for one reason: its range is too short. When faced with a group of monsters you only have the following options if you want to use fireball: - have your fighter agro the lot and then cast fireball on the melee mobs, but you are pretty much only able to do so when they already circled him which means you won't hit them all. - run in yourself to cast fireball before combat starts, but you'll get agrod and killed before you can run out. - wait for combat to start and throw fireball at the ranged mobs So in the cases mentioned above the only safe way is to cast it once combat has already started, which means I'll probably hit 3-5 monsters, but at that rate you're pretty much better off casting Minoletta's Bounding Missiles which does more damage and hits about the same amount of targets. I get that this is the kind of balance thing; you don't want wizards to cast offensive spells at a safe distance before combat begins, don't buff your party before combat begins, etc. while I do understand that I do feel it's just leaving me with a useless set of tools that I really, really want to use cause it's that concept that I always loved about Wizard classes. ps : Could anyone please explain to me or point me to a place where I can learn how to create mods so I can increase the distance of fireball myself?
Thanks for the responses everyone. I would like to point out however that some people are detracting from my original point: this topic is not meant as a discussion about whether wizards are strong or weak or whether I'm having a hard time with them (I'm going through the game in hard mode without hickups and use 2 wizards), but merely to state that most of the buffs a wizard can cast are useless. I agree spells such as eldritch aim are definately useful, but the majority of the buffs I don't use simply cause casting them all will cause previous buffs to expire and secondly it means I won't be doing damage. These spells need to be more like old school d&d buffs that lasted for an hour/minute/10 minutes per level and should be castable before combat begins. Currently I spend 1 round casting proper buffs and getting my tank in position to catch all the bad guys, but from round 2 it's only offensive spells. For what it's worth, the limited amount of spells per rest are also a heavy contributor to my chosing to cast as few personal buffs as possible. Either way, the problems mentioned above results in a complete neglecting of parts of gameplay that I hope the people who designed them would like to see people use so they know their effort hasn't been for naught.
Like the title says. What's the point of buff spells? I'm lvl 6 now playing hard mode and I use the AoE party buffs of a priest, but I can't get myself to use any of the wizard ones, and why? - my warrior catches pretty much everyone's attention anyway - I am not going to waste the time to cast 2 or 3 buffs on wizards that don't get attacked while the enemy meanwhile gets that time to attack my party. In my opinion there should be 2 fixes to solve this issue: 1. fix the AI to more creatively have enemies attack your wizards 2. make buffs reserve the specific spell slot and last for an X amount of hours rather then +- 50-60 sec.
Game constant freezes and voice delay
Morkatog replied to Nemeter's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Thanks mate! I just disabled my hamachi and poof, the problems are gone. Much appreciated! -
Game constant freezes and voice delay
Morkatog replied to Nemeter's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Pardon the spam as I just replied as well but it's not up here yet, but I have some extra info that may help the dev's: I don't have these issues with other games When the problem occurs and I check my performance I notice it drops my CPU to 0%. Now I know this usually is either a driver or temp issue, but they're up to date and the temp is fine. I tried using real time and high processor affinity, this didn't help. -
Game constant freezes and voice delay
Morkatog replied to Nemeter's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
Exactly same problem here. Using the steam version. AMD Phenom II X4 965 (3.4ghz) 4GB Ram AMD 6850, up-to-date drivers