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About Okenamay

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  • Location
    St. Petersburg, Russia
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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Hoping I can launch the game before I go to bed in 7 hours.
  2. What I really love about PoE is the color scheme. Somewhat darkish, but not dull, with some intense lighting where it is necessary. In fact, I can not force myself to play some of the recent games because they look like an exploding circus - bright, unmatched, unnatural colors, extremely colorful animations for routine actions etc. I mean, I understand it is done to attract kids and teens (it is a well-known psychological phenomenon), but it doesn't make it any better. I expect the 3D models to be polished by the time the game is released. In fact, the moment I noticed PoE would be Unity-based, I was like 'oh crap, not that!' cause I have seen (and funded) some not-so-great examples of Unity-based games (MechWarrior Tactics and Shadowrun Returns - first being unoptimised and eyegouging, second feeling empty and incomplete). But after I've seen some gameplay footage, I am quite sure PoE will be great.
  3. I guess I will try the game with a human wizard first, just to get the feeling of how robust/squishy casters are. My favourite type of character though is a rogue with as high intelligence, agility and dexterity as I can get. I guess, the D&D-style rogue pretty much represents the real-life me. Not in terms of stealing and cutting throats, but rather the whole idea of a Jack-of-all-trades, who is also very good at some of those trades.
  4. Oh well, another day of waiting is not going to kill us, right?
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