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About Berndor

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  1. Maybe this tip from Steam Support will help you out in the future: Game Won’t Install From Disc ? Requires Download From Steam Some of the users have reported that the disc version of the game they bought requires download from steam. If you face this problem you can try deleting all the game files and re-install the game using setup.exe from the disk. Or you can refer to the tutorial below on how you can install the game from the disc instead of steam. How to Use Steam launch options to install retail games from disc. 1. Log in to Steam and click on Library. 2. Right-click on the game, select Delete local content, and confirm. 3. Insert the first disc into your computer. 4. Close Steam (Steam > Exit). 5. Press Windows Key + R to open Run 6. In the Run window type: “C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe” -install E: Replace E: with the CD/DVD drive you are installing from if is not correct. Replace C:\Program Files\Steam if your Steam installation is not in the default location. 7. Press OK. Steam will launch and ask you to sign in if you do not have your password saved. Your installation should continue from the disc." IMPORTANT: Install Steam from web first. Some users report, that this bug occurs, when using the version on disc.
  2. As far as I know "CC" stands for "Crowd Control" (of monsters) here, but I am neither a native speaker. Maybe there is another abbreviation for it.
  3. Have a look here: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/135253/how-do-i-open-unity3d-files.html
  4. The German version still has these missing characters in version 2.02.
  5. As far as I know old saves are not compatible with v2.0. Does this also occur when starting a new game ?
  6. Be patient, it is just 2 hours after midnight in California ;-)
  7. I think they will lift more information on Gamescom, but that is another two weeks without new information. I finally want to play this wonderfui game, but now that there´s a patch on the horizon the wating will continue....
  8. So 1.07 and 2.0 patch are the same, or will there be different versions wiht or without the expansion ?
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