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About drovek

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. Here you go. I'm on a Windows 8.1 Pro 64Bit machine, too. Save game should crash going up the ladder, or taking the stairs to the Siege Platform.
  2. Same situation: can't leave towards the Siege Platform, or in the sewer/dungeon part, towards the ladder exit. Basically stuck until we get a fix. I was really enjoying this.
  3. Well, I'll be... Yep, that's the ticket! I did re-arrange the portraits some time after doing the formations and couldn't figure out what had happened. Thanks!
  4. I know what you talk about. I also have another problem with a custom formation: it seems that whenever someone is knocked out or something (haven't pinpointed it yet) my frontline gets rearranged a bit, which isn't optimal if I'm hoping for someone in particular to take the brunt of it.
  5. Same boat here, trying to leave to the Siege Platform crashes my game. Tried verifying integrity of game files (Steam), etc, but seems to keep on. I was already on a good rythm through the game
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