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Posts posted by poolofpoo

  1. 14 hours ago, BruceVC said:

    Gromnir dont feel guilty about Volo leaving the forum, its not your fault ....volo didnt even say goodbye and I was disappointed he left. I use to like volo and appreciated some of his comments. I didnt always agree with what he said and how he repeated certain things but he made debatable  points at times 

    But you raise an interesting question, who is the oldest active member on this forum? Is it indeed Amentep ...I  would be interested in knowing?


    So I'm randomly checking in, a decade later, and the first thing I read is that Volo stopped posting. Rarely in the history of the Internet has a single person been responsible for such an amazing waste of bits and bandwidth as volo, good news indeed...

    Now if we only can get Karzak and Newc to come back things can get interesting again




    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  2. That reminds me of my mod days on BIS when half of all links posted to the forums (and bout 90% in IRC) were some form of tubgirl or goatse...


    That said I shall endeavor to answer the question -


    I am led to believe in PATH OF EXXXILE that you can get Viconia to click your rocks and get a ring of protection in the form of a virulent STD guaranteed to protect you from all but the most desperate for money nightwalkers; however the "first map" you allude to - used to rescue Dynaheir - is found somewhat differently than in dialogue with Viconia and fade-to-black screening.


    To get the "first map", you must instead extricate it from where Minsc hid Boo that one time, and after taking the trouble of getting that map out, yeah Minsc is a bit touchy if you decide not to follow up on the lead he's so thoughtfully provided you. Dynaheir isn't terribly happy about it either, but then by the time you find out (in this scenario) its a little late for that information to be terribly relevant.


    Hope this helps.


    as much as I appreciate the effort, my questions are actually serious. The examples I mentioned are sadly missing from RPGs nowadays...

  3. by going through endless dialogue options, picking the right answer every time and yet strike out because I just can't bring myself to chose "cuddle" the third time around?


    Will Minsc try to kill me if I don't go and rescue Dynaheir right away?


    Will I be able to find a ring of protection by randomly clicking on rocks in one of the first maps?



    I think It's stuff like the above that will make or break Path of Exile...

    • Like 1
  4. ok, game is pretty good now 'when in rome'


    my mouse problems have been solved (almost) after billion edits and changes in .ini files and whatnot.

    It's easier to accept clunky graphics and animations when there is at least some flow in the game play. AI is still horrendous though. The RPG aspect is really nice but that was to be expected. And the checkpoint saving which was infuriating at first now actually makes some sense since it hinders you from an easy reload when you're not happy with a specific outcome.

  5. I think you got it a bit wrong. Let's take the word "shooter" out because AP certainly isn't one.

    Yeah, you can shoot guns, but most chances you'll rely on your abilities rather than raw shooting. Besides you can take the stealth/martial arts approach and don't shoot at all.


    ok, let's call it a shooter-stealth-martial arts-rpg. Then it fails in 3 out of 4 areas. It's maddening because the RPG part is really starting to shape up.

  6. Not to mention. NO ONE really critized the concept of the hacking minigame. It's because the control sucks on pc. On consoles its passable but it could be better.



    first you forbid me to use complaints from reviews and when i (apparently) have a complaint that hasnt been brought up in a review, then that complaint isnt valid coz NO ONE has brought it up before... are you on crack?



    anyway, the graphics, animations and controlls are bad. I mean REALLY bad. I don't mind a shooter-RPG but then it must work both as a shooter AND a RPG. So far i'm too irritated by the shooter aspect of the game to even care about the RPG part...


    it might get better though, i don't know


    oh and btw the hacking mini game does indeed suck

  7. If you don't want to troll. Give actual reasons that don't sound they could be taken from any review.


    what the hell do you mean by that? if a review is complaining about something then i can't use that specific complaint but must come up with a new one?


    anyhow, i've been buying games made by AP devs for more than a decade, and so far this game is the only one i wish i hadnt bought...


    my judgement might be clouded by the severe mouse issues i'm having though

  8. I'm not trying to troll here but the game is god awful so far.


    I've never been this inclined to quit a black isle or bioware game after just 40 minutes. However, I did read somwhere that it gets better...


    and what were you thinking with the hacking mini game? seriously?


    props for retro style animations and random running around of enemies though, funny as hell.

  9. Gromnir hated the bg story and the patently ridiculous plan o' sarevok. poison iron IN a mine to create a synthetic shortage? a mine with a James Bond kinda self-destruct mechanism? etc. gotta ignore reason and economics to make sarevok anything other than a whack-job.



    yeah i know BG was ridiculous, poison iron, i mean come on! But imagine this one: you can not really die. Everytime you time you do, you wake up in the same place but you lose your memory, only, sometimes you dont lose your memory...and in the end you fight your own mortality to stay alive. OH MY F****NG GOD!!!


    seriously, why bring up "reason" in BG or any other tsr product for that matter?

  10. i can't belive how much progress team gizka has made in only 4 years!


    this is gonna be the best mod ever i think, i never finished the game coz i heard they were working on this great mod, now my game cd is long gone and i can't remember what the f**k KOTOR2 was all about (something about the force?) but still, it's gonne be great when this mod finally hits the internet

  11. the "trading feature" is not good, no matter how you go about it you'll end up with billions of tradebars


    you expect the story to pick up speed in the later part of the game but instead it just dies, for some reason the npc's doesn't care about "zehir" so why the hell should you

  12. Here are my thoughts after finishing the game;




    First of all i appreciate what they were trying to do with this expansion, it's nice to see something new instead of a sixth installment of the same old same old. However it doesn't really hold up.



    There's no challenge whatsover in the trade system. It's just a matter of setting up as many caravans as possible and upgrade them. You can't go wrong and soon you swim in money. Instead, how about making some routes non profitable and even changing the profitability every know and then. To be interesting the trade system would need at least SOME complexity and the risk of actually losing money and reputation.


    There are serious balancing issues througout. The first part is difficult, then the whole of the sword coast is a breeze, so the jump in difficulty when you enter the last part of the game comes as a complete surprise and the final battle was insane.


    All taverns look pretty much the same with ONE interesting person in each, how about a little variation?


    After a short while you realize that all indoor areas are just one small map and exploring them becomes kinda boring since you know that there's no need to hold back on spells and whatnot, you'll be out in the open in five minutes anyway. A little variation here as well perhaps?



    After the meeting with the trade houses in Conenbmyr the story just falls apart.



    Not much replayability, especially since you can chose to see all different outcomes in the end.

  13. I summoned a bunch of elementals to act as meat shields, while hitting the two big snakes with all the high level damage spells I could. It took quite a while - and I had to resurrect most of my fighters 2-3 times each, I brought alot of scrolls.. Also I keep hitting them with dispel every 5 minutes or so, to take away their buffs.


    But it was a very tough fight, even on easy I had to try about 5 times before I won.


    What level are you? and who's in your party?



    i'm about level 15 with a mage, a cleric, a thief, a ranger and the orc paladin



    i guess i'm **** out of luck, i have no scrolls whatsover and a cleric with one raise dead left


    and i can't leave the god damn temple either unless there was an autosave before i went into the throne room

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