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Everything posted by ericw

  1. I think if I were to create all my own characters, I would go with: Cipher Chanter Druid Rogue Priest Wizard This party might have trouble though if there are many magic-immune enemies in the game.
  2. If Obsidian is able to create an NPC of EVERY Class, I think I might be tempted to play with 5 of their NPCs.
  3. So, if someone likes to play differently than you do, you think they are mental...interesting... If a man takes a good ribeye steak and boils it, he's not exercising freedom of choice. He's an idiot. Actually, I disagree. If a man or woman wants to boil their steak, that's up to them and does NOT make them an idiot. Perhaps, they really like boiled meat. From your statements, I gather that you are quite egocentric. If someone doesn't agree with your point of view, you attack them by calling them mental or idiots. I, on the other hand, think that people should have the option to do WHATEVER they want, as long as they are not hurting anyone else.
  4. Sounds like it might be a big disadvantage to create your own companions then...well, depending on how much money it costs to hire them.
  5. So, if someone likes to play differently than you do, you think they are mental...interesting...
  6. I plan to create my Player Character as well as my 5 Companions. I hope I can start out with my party of 6 at the very beginning. I don't want to wait until the game is more than half over before I get my whole team assembled. I want my 6 adventurers to experience the entire journey together right from the start.
  7. If you buy it right now, it is $20 for the expansion. I wonder how much it would be if you buy it later?
  8. Me too. I ordered it, but the payment did not process. Doesn't give me a way to pay...guess I'll just wait for them to get the bugs worked out.
  9. I voted for new stretch goals because it would be great to have one companion of each Class.
  10. Awesome! I can buy a boxed set for $50 now!
  11. I hope there is a boxed version as I'd definitely buy it. I want a hard copy of the manual, so that I can read it when I'm not in front of the computer screen.
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