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Everything posted by HeadClot

  1. So I have been looking to get back into Pen and Paper Role playing games for a while now. Anyone got a good group willing to accept an newbie?
  2. Didn't Brain Fargo Trademark Van Buren or is that for Bards Tale 4?
  3. Like the title says where can I contact Obsidain staffers? I need to bring something to their attention ASAP!
  4. So sorry if I am treading on anyones' toes here but I personally would love a Star Trek like CRPG or a Battlestar like CRPG. Room there for allot of deep character development. Hell even a space combat and trading Sim would be nice similar of that to Pioneer and Elite II Crossed with Bridge commander would be awesome. But here is my only three requests - 1. Regardless of the project Mod tools are a must. 2. Must have some form of Character development for NPCs and/or the main character. 3. I must be able to control the ship in some way shape or form.
  5. I personally would love to see a remake of bridge commander with Multiplayer
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