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Sorall Loskannen

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Posts posted by Sorall Loskannen

  1. When I came across the box, I remembered the Twi'lek on Manaan. He's the one wearing the sith uniform in the cantina that actually works for a mean artifacts or art dealer (something like that). I thought maybe the box would count as an artifact and I could get the Rakatan free if I got the Twi'lek to make his boss look inside. This would have been a good moral question: free the poor Rakatan criminal after millenia of isolation by robbing a bad man of his body, or let the Rakatan stay where he is and give the box to the Hutt. It would have been nice if you could get random people to look inside and try to free him, but sadly this was not an option.

  2. I think the monsters are Shyracks, and I think the people are on Korriban. I know the one is Bao Dur (assuming the Zabrak is actually Bao Dur). The blond may be a woman ( I am going by the smaller, slightly different frame, but could be wrong), maybe the exile. And given the rough shape of the cloak in the background I think the Jedi is Kreia.

  3. The argument is not whether the Jedi must kill to protect the innocent, but the methods used to do so. The Jedi's available methods are strictly laid out in terms of not using the force to attack (attacking a rapist or another form of criminal is still attacking), no matter how justifiable it may seem to the people who witness such an event. For instance, if someone is holding a knife/vibroblade in someone's face and threatening to use it, the Jedi could use the force to knock the person or weapon away, but could not fry him with lightning.

    For the Jedi, the Force is sacred. It's their god, and the Jedi code is their religion. It would be considered sacreligious, and a defilement of all they hold true if they were to use the force itself to cause harm, let alone death. This has about the same significance as murdering a priest in a church, during Sunday service. It just isn't acceptable. While there are those who would do it, it is a defilement of their beliefs and is, to say the least, frowned upon.

  4. I would like to see an offensive force power, or a feat, that would target the enemy's weapons. If you can disarm them they are forced to surrender, and you get the EXP. If they do not surrender they are stupid and you do not get DS points for killing them, and you get EXP. If you kill them after they have surrendered (an action that you must perform willingly after they have ceased hostilities, ie the health bar has turned blue but the player can still attack), you get DS points and EXP.


    This could be a LS power, but most likely neutral, that could be used either way, and the morality of it is directly based on the outcome.


    I know this won't happen, but it would be nice.

  5. One of the things that it says in the rules somewhere, is that if a Jedi puts somebody into stasis (a trance/force hibernation etc), and that person is later killed by anyone while they cannot defend themselves then the Jedi gets a DS point. The motive behind the trance is irrelevant. That's the strictness of the rules, and I think it's what Lucas intended. If the Jedi were to put somebody in stasis and then hack them up I would give them a lot of DS points if I was the GM.


    I understand that it is based on the rules, and not a copy, but I do enjoy a good conversation and speculation.

  6. I said it would be dark because I think that is how it's done in the pen and paper game. And to avoid a lightside vs darkside of the force debate, it is simply because it causes harm to another being. In the pen and paper game, using force push on a living being gives DS points if it injures them. I could be wrong, I play D6 but have browsed the D20 rules. Anyone who knows feel free to comment on this.

  7. I already stated what I would be on page 1. I'm commenting on the point about Vader sacrificing himself to save Luke. Vader/Anakin wouldn't have had to sacrifice himself if he hadn't lost his lightsaber, again, or thought to pick up Luke's. I admit that the lightsaber was in his hand as it spiralled into the abyss, but that's beside the point.

  8. Absorb energy would be a great power, but it should be similar to the books and replenish the character's force points when used successfully.


    I would also like to see the ability to levitate objects (a neutral power), which could be incorporated into various puzzles. And for Darkside people, attacks with levitated objects as a darkside power.


    For lightside, a power specifically to fight force ghosts would be interesting, but probably impractical (probably not many to contend with).

  9. Master Speed actually made you run faster. I always got the speed powers as soon as possible so I could get through the Dune Sea, Kashyyyk, and Manaan faster. Actually I ran everywhere with it.


    As for the lightsiders getting offensive powers. Again... no.


    Lightsiders should be at a disadvantage when they fight because it is their choice to be good. I also think that you should get DS points for using darkside force powers, but it doesn't really matter.


    The whole concept is similar to Ninja vs Samurai ideals (not saying Ninja are bad). The Samurai will either attack an army with army of his own to kill the leader, or challenge the leader to a duel. The ninja would sneek into the guy's house in the middle of the night, kill him while he slept, and then go home. The Samurai has a set of rules to abide by that are dictated by honour, but the Ninja's only rule is to get the job done.

  10. I remember seeing commercials for KotOR for a long time before it came out. I saw two or three during a single show, so that is pretty good marketing. I didn't know it was an RPG until I looked it up later, but the marketing just said there is good and there is evil... what path will you choose? It said something like that anyway. I'm just glad that I looked into it.

  11. I didn't like the names that the name generator gave me, so I went with Sorall Loskannen, a character from a story I wrote a couple years back. I wouldn't have used the name generator anyway, just because I like it to have a more personal touch, but without using my own name. However, the name generator is more realistic, since in real life your parents name you and that's who you are.

  12. The whole idea behind the Sith seems to be fear. Not openly, but fear of losing power, appearing weak, being unable to control the situation. The Sith code is all about dominating the universe and bending it to your will, and I think that if a Sith like Palpatine thought he could not control Luke it would scare him, but that would also fuel his power.


    As for a repentant Sith, what if the twist is that you kill Sion when you're only at level 7, early in the game. This is because he must use so much of his power just to stay alive. He then comes back as a completely unrepentant force spirit and you must fight him at the end of the game in a duel similar to the fight between Exar Kun and the Jedi at the Yavin Academy, but one on one. I'm guessing that the game will end up with a one on one, or two on one duel in the final act, so why not against a force spirit?

  13. I am waiting for FFXII, and I am pretty sure that I will love it. I also know that I will love playing KotOR 2. It really comes down to what you're looking for. The stories for both games will be great, and they both appeal to me. They are, however, different games. I don't like to compare different games, even of the same genre, in terms of which is better. I could say that FFVIII, Tomb Raider, and the X-Wing games are some of the best games ever made, and I am sure people here will disagree. It all depends on taste. I doubt that any Jedi will be running around with lightsaber gunblades (althought it would be cool if we could do it in KotOR 2), I choose to enjoy my favourite games for their own unique qualities.

  14. I said other, because I like all of the above, but I don't really care about the hoods. They are good for aesthetics, but that is all (not saying I wouldn't like it if they were there). I would like more accessories, sidequests, and one full location, a little bigger than Yavin would be nice.


    The game isn't even out yet, and we are already demanding improvements. I don't need all of the extras, since many of them will show up over time anyway. I'm not sure, can we use the "M" word in these forums without getting booted? It's just that there are things for KotOR 1 already, and if the engine isn't changing, it shouldn't be difficult to tweak things. I will be happy with the game even if it is the same as the X-Box version (content wise, but with less bugs. There has to be a reason for the much debated release date). Three cheers for the Obsidian team, and a 21 gun salute if they do implement any Yavinish areas, and extra items that aren't in the X-Box version.

  15. I don't think security spikes even worked in the PC version of KotOR. I used Grenades on groups of people, but I think they should be powered up a bit to make it more realistic, and it works both ways, because the AI liked to use grenades (I hate those grenades that make you stick to the ground). I also used the stims when I got to Malak, in my first fight anyway. At level 20, using one of each stim pack makes you almost invincible.


    I think recharging items would be good, as well as having weapons (blasters) with limited ammo. You would have to recharge them, or buy new power packs. It would add another level of realism and strategy to the game. As an extra option, destroyable weapons would be cool. I mean that it would be helpful to have a feat that allowed you to target someone's weapons and disarm them/destroy the weapon, so you could take them alive and question them once you've beat them, or you can kill them in the fight. I like to have realistic options in games, and I think these would add greatly.

  16. Awareness. Treat injury is only good if your able to do first aid on yourself, or someone else. The best way to avoid getting hurt in a fight is to not get hit, and if the guy really wants to hurt you you won't persuade him otherwise. Awareness makes you more aware of what is going on, and more able to evade danger.


    On a side note, I think the jedi defense/blaster bolt deflection abiities in the game should be based on your awareness as well as your dexterity.

  17. I think that the ending will only make a difference if you manage to build some level of attachment to the characters (the bitter/sweet ending with a death). I would like something other than a medal ceremony this time around. Maybe something that gives a little story further on. As for the way the ending is presented, as long as it's done right, it could even be still images and I would love it. For those of you who have PS2, I recall the "Way of the Samurai" games (an acquired taste). They used the multiple ending idea just beautifully, and the first game only used stills in the ending sequences. There wasn't a single ending I was disappointed with, even though there were many where everything I fought for was lost. What I'm saying is, as long as the ending fits it will be satisfactory to most players, if the character programmers/writers/etc have done their job and managed to connect you with the characters on some level.

  18. I would be least surprised by Luke's Lightsaber.


    I would be most surprised if HK's chip was used in 3PO. I think it would be necessary to explain what happened to HK to utterly destroy his personality. I also think that such an explanation could make a potential spin-off in the gaming world: Star Wars HK-47 (ok so I don't think that, but hear me out).


    You are an unknown HK droid that has lost your identity. After several brutal battles that happen for various reasons, you discover that you are in fact HK-47. Your memories had been hidden deep in the memory chip of a distant ancestor, HK-1648 (later model droid?) that you have destroyed in a rediculously hard fight. You regain your "full functionality," and before you go on your first assassin mission in a very long time you must recharge. You fight your way to, and then plug yourself into an electrical socket, and there is a variance in the current. Your memory is erased, and you are deactivated. When you are re-activated, you deeply fear violence and avoid it whenever possible, you like organic life forms, and your favourite sayings are, "oh dear," and "why me?" The final FMV shows you being scrapped for parts by Jawas back on Tatooine. Game over, roll credits, unlock playable R2-D2 character, repeat process 10x and unlock the ultimate prize, a playable C3-PO character. A new FMV is now available as the perfect ending, after unlocking everything else and completing 100% of the story 11x. A little boy picks up a CPU out in the desert,however, his shadow is that of Darth Vader. On your twelfth time through, all of the NPCs and dialog are Selkath.

  19. Hutts are supposed to lack the ability to control the force under normal conditions. I believe that this is addressed in the novel, Planet of Twilight. A hutt, I can't remember the name, is on a planet that magnifies the force, and is only then able to manipulate it in a very ineffective way (barely being able to lift a glass). The hutt's inability to use the force is similar to the Rakata's in KotOR, except that it isn't caused by the same thing, or explained with such detail (that I can remember). They are just unable to use the force, but as a result are less affected by it. This is shown by Jabba's resistance to Luke's mind tricks in ROTJ. Through similar reasoning I'm guessing that there wouldn't be any Toydarian(sp) Jedi.


    I think that what everyone needs to improve their opinions of Wookiees is a Wookiee Jedi or Sith in KotOR 2. I can see it now, using Sith Rage, while using Wookiee Rage (a possible unique feat). That would be a practically unstoppable melee fighter.

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