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Everything posted by candiann

  1. I would hope that DS IV would go back to the DS II gameplay. I was hooked with DS I and DS II was even better. I loved the ability to customize your character (gender, name, look) and the ability to add npc's to your team or to kick them out. When DS III was available, I bought it immediately. From other comments on this forum, I wasn't the only one deeply disappointed in the changes made. No customization! And being stuck with only four characters to choose from! I almost didn't even want to play it. The game does have great graphics and a decent story, BUT it so lacked the feel of the first two games. Where was the start from a nobody and progress to a hero storyline? I was never hooked on a video game until Dungeon Siege and I would really love to see a DS IV. I'm hoping you got enough feedback to realize you should go back to the initial feel of the game. Give me a new story twist and new villian, but leave me the customization that is so important when playing an rpg. I've played rpg's with pre-generated characters, but you just don't get into the story as much as when you sit down and create your own character. Please don't overwork the game just to prove that you can.
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