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About Rhamnetin

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    Good PC games, especially RPGs.
  1. This. The whole anti-Steam stance is often amusing.
  2. Yes, spread the truth around the internet
  3. Hey hey, don't leave out RE4. If any game is to blame for survival horror becoming endangered, it's RE4. Misery 2.0 is a mod. Underhell is a mod. Metro games are exceptions, and it's hard to call them mainstream. CoD 4 is the reason why most shooters are terrible, since apparently you couldn't understand that.
  4. Yeah, and Dead Space is a great horror franchise with great stories, Call of Duty 4 and all of the ones after it are great competitive shooters, Battlefield 3 is a great team-based strategic multiplayer game, The Witcher 2 is a great RPG, Tomb Raider is an awesome single player adventure, Far Cry 3 and Just Cause 2 have great open worlds, and graphics. As a matter of FACT, it does. Because this is definitely a factual discussion. The revamped healing system, repair system, armor attachment system, better fatigue/stamina system, universal power device feature, combined with improved ballistics (can't vouch for what the mod did, since I use my own), the default game's bleeding system and hunger/sleep requirements, all make it a much better survival game than just about everything else. The economy needed some tweaking which is easy enough to do myself. I don't get shot under complete darkness at 150-200 meters since I disabled "hardcore_ai_aim" and edited AI myself so they no longer have a 100+ FOV. It is more difficult, but it definitely needed some tweaking which is easy enough to do. The added mechanics and gameplay complexity, combined with much more realistic damage values, make it more difficult. These also help make a great survival game, not putting you on a one-man-army Rambo-style mission which is what Resident Evil 4 is. Maybe you guys should make a separate thread for survival game discussion. To remain on topic, I've been playing Underhell lately which actually is a proper survival horror experience that is worthy of being called an instant-classic. Resident Evil 4 is worthy of being called an abysmal failure, a blight on the gaming industry, or "the game that killed survival horror". I'll give you that. It's what happens when developers take a survival horror franchise and cater it to kids.
  5. Wow. I wouldn't go as far as to call the Metro games instant-classics, but yeah they're really good. Great story, more hardcore survival mechanics than most others, good stealth in the second one, very good atmosphere, attention to detail is a million times better than your average game. RE4 really is a below average shooter at best, good call on that. Metro games don't try to be S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The praise behind RE4 really surprised me at the time of its release. You're pushing forward at a fast pace most of the time, just running and gunning through an army. RE5 and RE6 are no different, these are the games that killed the survival horror genre just like Call of Duty 4 killed the shooter genre.
  6. The alternative is actual survival-horror.
  7. Well this is a forum. Anyone who has played RE4 should have realized how they load you up with so much ammo, and how the game just plays out as a third person shooter. The Resident Evil games that were actually horror games were much harder, you could avoid enemy encounters, couldn't carry an armory with you, you died much more quickly, boss fights were more tricky, you'd run out of ammo all the time. RE4 is when the series became a joke. Survival horror is essentially gone from mainstream gaming. The Metro series did a good job trying to keep it alive, but now Deep Silver announced that they'd like to dumb it down, probably to put it on par with the likes of RE4. Having to put on your gas mask, manually change the filters, manage your ammo, and charge your batteries is too much for most people. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Misery 2.0 does an excellent job showing proper survival mechanics, and so does Underhell. Modders have turned Fallout 3 and New Vegas into great survival games as well, though the horror aspect doesn't exist in Fallout of course.
  8. RE4 and The Last of Us are poor survival horror games in my opinion. Too casual and basic, but at least The Last of Us has decent character development while RE4 offers nothing but action gameplay and terrible pacing. Stealth in TLoU isn't very good either. That's one game I'll never finish.
  9. Underhell just released and I've been playing the heck out of it. Very impressive blend of psychological horror, survival horror, and stealth.
  10. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is getting hate for two reasons: the first and most common being, it wears the XCOM name but isn't an isometric turn-based strategy game. People don't seem to realize it's a spinoff and a shooter. The other reason for the hate is it's a shooter, but isn't a dumbed down generic one like Gears of War. With that being said, the game is pretty cool. It requires a lot more planning and strategy than most shooters, which I like. But the AI isn't good enough for this type of game.
  11. lol, indeed you are confused. ME3 does take into account all major choices from ME2 and ME1. Have you played it at all? As for The Witcher, I call it a semi-RPG and it is this for many reasons. Regarding its storytelling, it's a lackluster RPG since most choices made in those games have no long term effect, and each game has very little story variation compared to Dragon Age or Mass Effect. Not to mention the completely one-dimensional character development, that isn't affected by dialogue choices at all. I'm not even talking about porting saves, but this also does next to nothing in The Witcher.
  12. Agreed, ME2 had a cool ending and the last mission of the game was just one of the best things ever. I see where most of the hate comes from about ME3's ending, but I find it to be really exaggerated. Most people don't like how the choices provided to you at the end are unaffected by all of the choices you've made throughout all three games (which isn't 100% true but close enough). I for one saw this coming. I'm confused? Are you saying that the choices in the previous ME didn't make a difference in the final outcome of the last game? From what I've seen, the complaints stem from the fact that you're always presented with the same four decisions in ME3's ending, regardless of your choices in all of the previous games. And also, there isn't much closure at all after you've made that choice.
  13. Agreed, ME2 had a cool ending and the last mission of the game was just one of the best things ever. Except for that boss fight of course. That's where Bioware started to devolve. ME3 didn't have any dumb boss fights thankfully, but ME2 and DA2... I see where most of the hate comes from about ME3's ending, but I find it to be really exaggerated. Most people don't like how the choices provided to you at the end are unaffected by all of the choices you've made throughout all three games (which isn't 100% true but close enough). I for one saw this coming.
  14. I pick rushed. 50 hour RPG made in well under two years was bound to go sour.
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