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Everything posted by lettersnoname

  1. Hey guys! I started a steam group hoping to get our cries for kotor 3 heard! here's the link. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/k3now
  2. Hey guys, its been about a decade since KotOR 2 came out and im tired of getting teased with them mentioning KotOR games all the time. The Old Republic has been released, along with a bundle of the 2 KotOR games just a few months ago. Now we are all wondering: Why has KotOR 3 not been created yet? No one knows, and after bioware lost so much money due to the Old Republic, they may have nothing to do with a Knights of the Old Republic 3. Anyway, i'm trying to get as many people together as possible to stand up for our beloved kotor games. I put together a steam group for the defense of the game. So far it is not very big, only 2 people discluding myself have joined. But with your help i'm hoping we can get somewhere. I promise I will keep this group active with at frequent acknowledgements! Thanks for reading, and here is the link. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/k3now
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