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Everything posted by Levimowrer

  1. yeah Bioware pretty much sucks
  2. Not if I have anything to say about it, rally for koTOR III
  3. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=30955 hey guys check these out as well
  4. I think that we should be able to see a little more character customization In the new one I would go so far as to be able to take a picture of your face and have it put in to the game
  5. some people said they wanted a legit padewan
  6. "But since Disney shut down LucasArts it'd be best if they start a whole new story in the Old Republic era." disney didnt shut down lucas Arts they just bought it. I wouldn't say so for sure... with enough people we could rally a kotor 3. they could even (though kind of stupid) claim TOR was just a vision into the future.
  7. I don't know about anyone else but I was looking more towards a game (kotor3) that had a new PC. I thought it would be good to have a sort of training in the beginning involving you playing as the two previous PCs, or having one of them as your master. As well I think it would be amazing if when you were to play as Revan and The Exile, shortly after you finished learning how to play, that a NPC would ask you about your "exploits", these being those of Revan and The Exile. That way your game would be a perfect match to both of your other games. Kind of like carrying over your kotOR 1 and 2 characters. similarly to that of how they subtly ask you in The SIth Lords whether Revan was a man or woman
  8. KOTOR 3 anybody? I would spend 1000 dollars on it if I had to.
  9. I have to agree with you on that I think I really enjoyed the way he tied into kotor 2 when you made revan light female. however I do agree that he was extremely annoying in that sense and never really served a great purpose. I do think I used him a lot just because he was great with a dual vibroblade.
  10. Im starting this in hopes people will rally for the possibility to make kotOR 3. Please spitball your Ideas here
  11. I don't know about anyone else but I was looking more towards a game (kotor3) that had a new PC. I thought it would be good to have a sort of training in the beginning involving you playing as the two previous PCs, or having one of them as your master. As well I think it would be amazing if when you were to play as Revan and The Exile, shortly after you finished learning how to play, that a NPC would ask you about your "exploits", these being those of Revan and The Exile. That way your game would be a perfect match to both of your other games. Kind of like carrying over your kotOR 1 and 2 characters. similarly to that of how they subtly ask you in The SIth Lords whether Revan was a man or woman. I don't know about you guys but I like that option because I preferred Revan in love with Carth. Carth just does it so much more heartfelt.
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