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Everything posted by Ganbariya

  1. Wow, i really love the Baldur'esque style of the UI! The earthtone colors etc. looks nice and i felt some cozy feeling in my heart, when i saw the old BG icons ... *sniff* My critique for some details would be: - to highlight the status effects somehow with a lighter background, t'was hard to distinguish one from the other (especially without a ongoing battle) - maybe thinking about an option to customize the UI? like nor only the size, but also maybe making a Infinity styl version with one part x and one part on the y-axis? But for me personally and most important was this: Please make the Portraits go red, when the characters get hurt! This was such a strong "input" in battles, when you hear a "ouch" from the voice, a *clunk* from the hit and next you see the portrait go mostly red from ONE hit! it really made you panic and hit the panic (pause-) button :D Keep up the good work guys and girls!
  2. Wow! I really love the look of the water reflections combined with the sounds! The moist and wet stones, the whole design of the surroundings with this big statues. Beautiful art design! The only critique from my side is the character models: I like the armor and overall look of the characters, especially the weapons (just look at the RAPIER! I mean: it IS a rapier :D ) BUT -and the only but- they move to stiff in my oppinion. Its the same problem, that "Temple of Elemental Evil" had. Good sounds, effects and art, but too sterile surroundings (something that i do not see in your progress) and stiff character movement. So to speak: They stay and move more like the Mechs in Mechwarrior, than real humanoids. I see a certain "bumping", when the char moves, but in the end: ____ The stance is too simple and geometrical. I hope that you at least will put in some "swaying motions" like the models in Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale had (like looking to the sides, or stretching their back etc.) And different characters like Rogues should be leaning more over to the front, while warriors should be more relaxed and firm in their stance (best example: The Nameless One in Planescape Torment) I dont think that would be too much of a hassle, especially with the "skeleton system", that you guys have developed, to change sizes and proportions of the models. Just use one more dimension of non-symmetric stances. But like i said: Thats my only critique. I really loved this short video, thanks for showing us
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