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Posts posted by wpmaura



    I asked in the previous thread but it got locked and I never got an answer.


    What is the "progressive" crowd's endgame? I am genuinely curious as I don't think I've ever seen a coherent answer to this question.


    I've seen half answers ranging from everyone has to be represented in every single game (this seems highly unrealistic to me), to every game has to be accessible to every player no game can be too difficult or too complex.


    I honestly mean no trolling with this question.


    I wrote a reply but the thread got locked before I had time to post it. Fortunately I saved it:


    Those are pretty good questions actually. 


    I'm not all that interested in endgames. I see culture as more of a process and find it more interesting and productive to identify things wrong with it and then attempt to change them, and also make constant course corrections in case of unintended consequences or more pressing concerns coming up. I would like to live in a kinder world: one where it matters less where you were born and who your parents were, which provides more second chances when you screw up, and where generosity and cooperation are valued more than possession and competition.


    I don't think games "need" to represent anyone in particular at all. However: I observe that in actual point of fact, until very recently games have overwhelmingly represented and catered to a pretty small and IMO not all that interesting subset of the population. If the protagonist isn't a macho square-jawed space marine type, she's a big-boobed scantily-clad package of fapping material, the occasional exception or half-accidental Fem-Shep aside. Men by and large are presented as characters you want to be, women as objects you want to possess. It's formulaic, tired, and clichéd, and it's unappealing to a very large number of people. 


    I would like to see that change. Not that there won't be any games with white straight male lantern-jawed space-marine type protagonists, but that that will no longer be the default expectation for the protagonist. So yeah, if a new game is being made, I count it as a point in its favor if it features an Inuit mother-of-five and a Polynesian scholar as companions, and if the dominant technological and cultural power happens to consist of people with dark skin.  


    I also feel very strongly that games should not shy away from difficult themes and materials. I don't, generally speaking, like "safe" or bowdlerized stuff. Again, P:E does this rather well. It references rape, child murder, genocide, and all kinds of heavy stuff, but does it intelligently and coherently.


    I don't want every game to be suitable for everybody. However, I would like to see more games suitable for and representing more people. Partly it's for altruistic reasons -- I think it'd be cool if we saw more non-white non-males here -- and partly because I myself find it interesting to vicariously see the world through other eyes. 


    In summary: I observe a problem, namely that gaming culture in general and places like this forum in particular are not comfortable places to be if you're not white, straight, male, and argumentative, and I would like that to change. 


    Finally, I don't think there is a "formula" for this. It's all about intent and self-understanding. I detest transparent attempts at being "politically correct." DA:I for example. It's ghastly. Randomizing everybody's race and making half the characters gay without any examination of what that would mean, while leaving in things like the transparent and hideously racist "Qunari = Arabs" is worse than naively oblivious racism and sexism. It's not about what's in the game; it's about approaching it thoughtfully and intelligently.


    And finally finally, I do agree that a bunch of people on the "social justice" side of the fence go to ridiculous extremes with this. I do not want trigger warnings on everything, jazz hands instead of applause, or the removal of spiders. Nor am I in favor of censorship -- i.e., an outside authority determining what should or shouldn't be in a game. I am, however, strongly in favor of critique and criticism, and I'm thrilled if the critique and criticism changes things for the better, as the backlash to GG has by and large done, DA:I idiocy notwithstanding.


    Did this help at all?


    As long as we can only make jokes about white men and not women, PoC, transpersons etc., games will only mainly feature white men as protagonists.



    so true.

  2. Not sure if a DLC is in the works, but would love to see one dedicated just to the stronghold. For example being able to dedicate it to a certain class or god, turning it into a place of evil or good.


    Would love to see tweaks to the stealth system so that not everyone would go out of stealth at the same time.


    Would like to see a skill for enachinting etc.


    Would love to see Kickstarter for this so I can add in my own story although after the whole trangender fiasco doubt there able to do that.

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    long story short I think having a damage stat is dumb, I just do not like might tying into how powerful spells are. I huge hulking idiotic barbarian who is capable of bending steel with his pink toe can also launch a firegball that can take out half the city, this lore and ruleset bugs me.


    Why do you think a hulking barbarian can launch fireballs? Might determines soul strength, not physical strength. They are just uncorrelated in PoE, so you can be a physically tough Mage (high Athletics) or a wise, yet weak Mage (high lore) or whatever.



    then what determines physical strength, I understand having constitution or and endurance trait tied to magic because its physical draining but not physical strength, It still utterly dumbfounds me why there got rid of strength and created a damage attribute.


    its a flawed idea, why have attributes to begin with, just give us damage, accuracy, mana and acall it a day.

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