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About Zarniwoop

  • Rank
    Complete n00b of the Obsidian Order
    (0) Nub


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. I'm sure this exists somewhere, but my searches have not turned up anything. Do I need to enter my new address/contact info on a form anywhere to make sure my phyisical rewards make it to my home? Thanks, and sorry if this information is already known.
  2. I would like "Complete n00b of the Obsidian Order".
  3. If we can already play the game at release, I DEFINITELY want everything in the box as it arrives. Anything else defeats the purpose of being a collector. Please give us the option to get our full, complete box when its done and not with everyone that just wants to rip all their presents open Chrismas eve.
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