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Posts posted by PIP-Clownboy

  1. On 1/25/2019 at 3:44 AM, AeonsLegend said:

    So I don't know about you guys, but the aquisition of Obsidian by Microsoft has me a little worried. I know Obsidian had to do a lot with Kickstarter to actually create some of the games here so perhaps the sale was from financial need, but being part of a large company ultimately can move these subsidiaries into something that will break them down. EA for instance has done the same to other companies before. Now I don't want to say anything bad about Microsoft, especially because the company I work for is also a subsidiary of Microsoft (so does that mean I'm now somehow collegues with Obsidian?  :dancing:


    I really like the company I work for, but being part of something larger that can influence your course for good or bad can have major impact. What are your thoughts?

    This isn't 00s Microsoft anymore, the EA comparison is a joke, they just care about content for gamepass and largely let their newly acquired studios do what they want. 

    Otherwise, Sawyer being able to produce 15 man, indie-scale, dream RPG wouldn't be possible. Parker is getting his dream of finishing his Skyrim-like he always wanted. And Outer Worlds 2 was fast tracked to already playable 1 year after it's predecessor's last DLC. Also Grounded seems to have done well to have continued support. 

    If Sawyer's game is well-received I see no reason why they can't continue to have at least one mid-sized Black Isle style RPG in production, especially if OTW2 and Avowed sell decently. 

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  2. The Outer Worlds 2 has been in development since 2019.

    If you remember, OW was content locked for a good year before release. Considering the reception the announce trailer received it makes sense MS would want their new IP to be a properly marketed/budgeted follow up. 

    Avowed seems a bit too ambitious for a studio working on 4 different games. It's going to need more time in the oven than OW2. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Gorth said:

    I think Fallout after '76' is in the same boat as say Mass Effect after 'Andromeda'. It's going to be a very steep uphill battle to change public perception.

    Hard disagree, 76 was a ****show but you can still write it off as a Zenimax failed attempt to MMO the IP.  I don't see the Andromeda comparison as it was just a total and utter bomb and hasn't received any support at all. Wastelanders didn't fix 76 but it was a step in the right direction. 

    I'd say because it's polluted by now, you can't make a proper Fallout game with the IP anymore because the majority of the people that will buy it aren't really interested in a deep RPG, and they will qq to no end when they get no pewpew FINO.


    New Vegas sold 12million+ copies with a 18 month dev cycle and did much better than 76. MS can easily market that now that they own all principle players. 

    If Gears of War can get a tactics game in 2020, making a properly budgeted modern New Vegas style Fallout wouldn't be an issue. 

  4. On 9/24/2020 at 7:28 AM, viasqi said:

    i assume Microsoft likes money and right now the Fallout franchise is producing zer0

    - and Bethesda is too busy with other things , seems Fallout is dead for the foreseeable future

    I mean, Fallout 4 sold a stupid amount of copies on Steam. And people download and play those Fallout games on gamepass. Claiming it's generating zero isn't really accurate. It's a super valuable and proven IP. 

  5. On 9/23/2020 at 9:51 PM, Haljamar said:

    Bring back Chris due to the fact he is the writer of the Fallout Bible, and knows more about Fallout than that moron Todd Howard.

    No thanks, not after he literally tried to kill Obsidian's sale to Microsoft then excommunicated himself via twitter after he was metoo'd. 

    And he's not really needed when the actual Original Creators of Fallout are all under Microsoft's umbrella with Obsidian/InExile.

    Todd was ok with letting Obsidian do New Vegas and it wouldn't really be his decision anyway at this point. It was mostly Zenimax pushing Fallout into the trashy MMO direction

  6. 14 hours ago, Malcador said:

    Meh, they need to let that IP die.


    MS can actually let the original creators of the IP make a game at this point. No need to kill the entire IP, just delete Fallout 76 and forget it ever existed. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/23/2020 at 4:09 PM, Merzhinhudour said:

    Such great news, I just hope the DLC takes place after main story and we'll be able to play it after main game plot, instead of "interrupting" main quest to go explore the new asteroid.

    Outer Worlds has been beaten in 12 minutes

    It can use all the interruptions it can get. 

    Obviously you'll be able to load the save of no return. Continuing after the ending would make zero contextual sense and/or outright impossible

  8. Maybe melee is tougher, but I completed my first run on Supernova with Long Guns/Science build and the game was jokingly easy after the first 3-4 hours. As long I kept companions on defensive or passive AI I had ZERO issues keeping them alive. Everything is dead before they can even get in range and any stragglers that actually get through would be nuked by two companion abilities. 


    • Thanks 1
  9. My Supernova (first run) playthrough took a little bit over 40 hours. This is was playing very cautious early on and exploring every nook and cranny. 

    On my second run, I expect to finish in about 10-15 hours at the rate I'm going

    I will definitely be doing a third melee focused run. And most likely will do more if any decent difficulty mods get released, I feel the game is too easy on Supernova to be quite honest. 

  10. 23 hours ago, Gom_Jabber said:

    I tried a variety of methods. You have to either open fire on Chairman Rockwell from outside the door or go round the back. Luckily for console players neither solution requires any fiddling with game files.

    Tried that method multiple times and it didn't work for me (on Xbox One X). Only method that actually worked was removing the companions from party. Zero crashing when entering the room solo. Was also using those same two companions. 

    Note this was on supernova, so I had to reload from the autosave a couple floor downs each attempt. 

  11. SAME problem here on Xbox One X:

    Supernova difficulty. When I entered Rockwell's room with Ellie and Vicar, hard Xbox 1 X freeze crash (loud stutter noise, have to dashboard exit). 

    Now, when Ellie and Max died, or I removed them from party, I was able to enter the room normally. Vicar was equipped with Gloop Gun and Prismatic hammer. Ellie with Mind Control Ray and Ionized Paper Knife

    I tested this multiple times from the autosave. I was able to enter normally SOLO 3 times and crashed 3 times with both companions. Seems related to the companions being in the party

    Not sure how to upload saves from Xbox, let me know how if need it

  12. No **** COD is inherently a different audience but there is still significant overlap there consider the massive playerbase. Especially when your less cultured friends/family are bugging you to play with them


    >Prime XBOX E3 appearance (literary the first trailer of the show), 

    Which has more to do with Microsoft now owning Obsidian (and paying for the privilege to put it on Gamepass day 1) than any actual effort Private Division put forth. Showing up at a com' is the bare minimum. 



    It's been quiet the last month, but thats about it.

    Quiet release month. Yup, no biggie



    I'm amazed at how many views it's getting. More than some of the AAA devs when they announce a game. It shows gamers are hungry for something unique.


    2018 was the worst year for videogames ever... name something aside spiderman, rimwold or smash bros ultimate that was awesome released that year



    Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, Celeste, Deadfire, Into the Breach, Dead Cells, Octopath Traveller, The Red Strings Club, Return of the Obra Dinn...



    Pathetic list

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