On the contrary, I am barely known on the bio boards. Fame, glory, and recognition is not what I, and the entire CC community I hope, are about. I myself am active on the bioware forums because of NWN, a game which I know much of the ins and outs of.
We, being at the forefront of the custom content community, are in a position to help those who have questions and wish to learn or troubleshoot problems with NWN. It is the experience, familiarity, understanding, and love for the game, not the selfishness, greed, "superiority", and self-promotion which is labelled upon us by some, that drives our dedication.
As well, many of us are highly active on the IRC channels at neverwinterconnections.com , which is a hotbed of CC creation. I have not participated on these forums, that is true. But I have read the threads and seen for myself, creative and constructive ideas that aim to improve NWN2 over NWN, possibly making it a better game from the lessons learnt in creating content for NWN, being burnt down and met with flatout rejection and hostility by some of the more unsavory characters on these forums.
And there have been attacks against the NWN CC communty, specifically those at DLA and DD. Much of it is misconception, and the bitter resentment which I have said before, does exist. Now, this is not a dig at the obsidian forums. But there are participants on these forums (and elsewhere), who fall under the naysayers category and are strongly opposed to everything we do. And it stings. Whatever we say, good or bad, is taken out of context and in one case, put up here to be ridiculed (The thread was later removed). Can you really blame us for not wanting to come here and post?
Could I have done more to work towards a less hostile environment? Possibly. But I'm one person. The regulars here on the other hand, should be able to police their own. After all, even you deganawida, admit to problems that USED to exist on these forums and the vain attempts for months to make it a better place to no avail..
That is how I see it. These forums always put me in a sour mood.