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About naughtbutanillusion

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. I haven't gotten any of the banters, just the kiss that I thought 'started' the romance...so that's 'it'?
  2. Just one conversation starting the romance? Because that's all I've gotten from him and nothing is happening beyond the conversation starting the relationship? There's not even romantic dialogue I can have with him and I'm kind of I mean I got full on flirts from Mr GlowDick and his hilariously awkward tales of seduction, but with Aloth it's just....?
  3. Dear Obsidian Thank you for fulfilling my crowdfunding tier in a way I didn't expect. Griffin's Blade was more than I expected. When I funded the game, I was in a terrible place, having lost both my grandfathers and my most trusted companion, my faithful dog Griffin. The story I gave you was very different to the route you took with it, and it was so true to life. I can't tell you how much it meant to me to find that sword, and it will always be the weapon I use in this game, no matter what I play. Thank you A Fan
  4. I think my game is bugged, I've tried both kinds of saves, imported and made in the options and both have resulted in not netting any approval from him EVEN THOUGH he's shown approval/disapproval for my actions. Put a post in the bugs thread but no response so far. I'm totally bummed out, Aloth and Eder are my favourite characters from the first game.... and the one I can allegedly romance is untouchable. I cry everytime.
  5. Aloth's opinion towards the protag doesn't seem to have any changes. I noticed this in my first play through all the way to Neketaka. His opinions towards other companions changes (but he doesn't banter about it). He did give signs of opinions on my interactions, but just didn't change one way or the other. I started a new save, got even more reactions, but got stonewalled again, even upon leaving Port Maje. Talked with him about his problems, got loads of positive reactions, and still... 0. Is he just a tough nut to crack or is he bugged out of his gourd?
  6. I've had this problem! Have you got your MSAA sampling set above 1? Try bringing it down. It worked for me.
  7. I got an e-mail saying mine was shipping, living in Australia. I'm guessing that's the confirmation on when your order ships.
  8. I just wanted to make a Thank You thread after having backed the game. This game is everything I've ever wanted and more. After all the waiting, crying when it was delayed, and the screaming at steam when it wouldn't release at 3am here in Australia, it was more then just worth it, it was beyond it. Thank you so much!
  9. It's killing me right now. KILLING ME. It's 3am here. I need to work on an assignment that's due today. I don't want to sleep without having tasted a drop of the freedom of this game.
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