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Everything posted by DarthRevan846

  1. I was on Nar Shaadaa and I was in a battle when the scene which but I was in a battle and the cutscene was interrupted. I don't have the quest and Atton won't sayit again, so I can't beat Nar Shaadaa. Can someone help?
  2. I was on Nar Shaadaa and I was in a battle when the scene which but I was in a battle and the cutscene was interrupted. I don't have the quest and Atton won't sayit again, so I can't beat Nar Shaadaa. Can someone help?
  3. He still says he will kill me if I am weak, yadda yadda yadda, and there's no change in him.
  4. I stopped reading after trying to pronounce "quintessential". No, j/k. I do agree except for your comment on "creating psychic distance". I actually think that by putting these cutscenes, you realize that there are somethings your character does not know.
  5. I do, that way you can conserve levels to obtain the PrC. Or it could be like NWN and simply be skill/feat/stat requisite.
  6. Yeah, and chances are there's a level requirement for PrCs, so you would want to level as much as possible
  7. Are the DS conversation choices very thuggish, or more subtle? I hated being a "gimme all your money or else!" guy in KOTOR, and I hope DS conversation choices aren't nearly so boring. Thanks for your time.
  8. As for Force Crush, it allows the user to lift their opponent in the air and hold them there, eventually crushing them in a very impressive, Darth Vadar-like way OMG THEY MISSPELLED VADER THEY IS T3H FAKE SOURCE!!!1!!!!!!1!11!shift+1 Seriously though, great find. *bookmarks* Sith Lord Dark Sion What is this Dark Sion?
  9. From what I remember, the Odyssey engine is too hard for the average player to use. Ah, how I loved the Aurora engine....
  10. Also you might be able to learn techniques from holocrons.
  11. K, thanks. I guess gotta wait till it comes out *tries to get sympathy*
  12. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessag...&topic=16869244 this is form Game Informer Yeah, that's one of the topics I've seen it mentioned...
  13. ...HK-50? I hear he was in some xbox mags, so would someone please scan the pic for me? Thanks a lot.
  14. I think there will be a point in te game (when you are in the Sith tomb) where there will be 5 jedi and 5 sith(numbers subject to change). At this point you will be asked who you side with. Depending on who you side with determines who you fight. If you join the sith, you fight jedi and vice versa. Then you are taken to a Jedi/Sith enclave where a master asks you what path you will take(what class). Also, did anyone see the prestige class descriptions on gamebanshee.com? This interested me. # Jedi Master: (Consular-type) Regenerates force power more quickly, and can inspire companions and followers. # Jedi Watchman: (Sentinel-type) Generally super abilities with the force and control over the lightsaber. # Jedi Weapon Master: (Guardian-type) Lightsaber deflection and pain threshold increased, and does more saber damage. Dark Side Prestige Classes include: # Sith Assassin: Mastery of stealth and camouflage. # Sith Lord: Mastery of corrupting the wills of others. # Sith Marauder: Mastery of weapons and increased pain threshold. Maybe the Sith Lord gets a bonus to beast control and the Watchman gets a bonus to Battle Meditation? Just speculation. Oh, link http://www.gamebanshee.com/previews/kotoriipreview2.php
  15. In Fable, they tried to implement a childhood training scene, but IMO it didn't work out too well
  16. Um.....I'm not sure, but I think the programmer said Sentinels get the most CLASS skills, not skill points
  17. Bowls of wrath? Change it to bowels of wrath and I'll be scared. :D
  18. In KOTOR, single sabers were pretty much pointless(except for RPing). I mean, Master Dueling gave +3 attack and +3 defense, while with Master Two-Weapon Fighting, it practically nullified the penalties! I personally love single saber, but after my friend made me play as a double-saber consular, I was shocked at the damage I was giving! I never realized a consular couold do that much damage! So, my plea is, make some feats that give bonuses to single saber fighters, PLEASE!!!! </beg>
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