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Everything posted by Honn

  1. Don' care, None, and something else. I generally don't care as long as I can clearly understand what the result of something is. I hate when I have to google a game just to figure out if weapon X does more or less damage (as an easy example) than weapon Y. That is just sloppy design. I want to be able to compare things, but if it is done by math or just very plain stats doesn't matter to me.
  2. I tend to like some realism, at least for mundane things. Sure, once you start flinging fireballs the whole realism thing goes away, but when we are talking about a normal non-magical building, or a sword, or whatever, then I prefer it to be realistic. On the recent armor topic for example, I would prefer that normal armor is actually something that people could (and would) actually use for real. But I would not mind adding magical and strange armor on to that. Non-magic = realism. Magic = whatever.
  3. I really liked the idea that the user Arkeus posted on the first page, that different types of armor is better for different types of enchantment. I do see some problems with it however, if not done very carefully it would just be another limitation to your character. E.g. you want to play a mage in full plate, but nope, you need to use leather instead because leather allows you to use the X-enchantment and plate does not. But if a suitable division of enchantments could be found, it could be a good system. Oh, and I like that you are thinking about these things and not just copy-pasting from D&D! This is a new world, lets not get dragged down by old luggage from other systems just because they are familiar.
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