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Everything posted by GSpotFrenzy

  1. no more pics as of yet. www.theforce.net
  2. I like how this train wreck of a thread I caused illustrated my point perfectly. Surprise surprise, it turned into an argument on the release dates.
  3. Well I'm not particularly that concerned about the release date, its just this guy that got me going, whining about other people whining! Now WTF's that about? He makes a topic whining about the whiners and ends up whining himself, then he's upset when the whiners whine back at him! Erm if that made sense <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you still never got the point. It seems some people did, but you didnt. You should quit while you're ahe...wait, you're not. So carry on if you like. You never did get the point of this, so it's useless to continue trying to explain. Carry on.
  4. very sorry about the link guys. I know the guy who maintains that pic archive...it's just supposed to be funny stuff. Apparently he put in a image host protection.
  5. and u whine all u want to us, we wont listen to a hypocrite <{POST_SNAPBACK}> no one is making you read and reply to this buddy. Your choice. But when I'm reading "x" thread on game content and someone trolls it with crap about how they hate LA and wont be play...really what the hell is the point in that? So I suggest if you've got nothing more to say, then quit reading and posting in this thread. See how easy that is?
  6. I'm done discussing this with you. You've clearly failed to understand my point here. Whine all you want, but keep it in the right place. And if there is no right place, it must mean the mods dont want it here at all. Quit ruining all the other board topics.
  7. Finally a rational post to respond to. Yes, I do see your point. And I do apologize. And if you were allowed a straight "rant" thread again I'd stay away. Mistook your rant thread as a discussion thread. However, there's a much thinner line there than trolling game content threads.
  8. this is me being light. notice no caps and I didnt say anything inflammatory.
  9. doesnt really concern me.
  11. I swear to God some of you have reading comprehension issues. I dont mind you guys jumping on me HERE. That's the POINT. I've never said that anyone who disagrees with me should stop posting. What I have said, is that WAY to many threads around here, not related to the release date, or lucasarts or anything else spiral into that because certain posters take every opportunity to derail topics into that discussion. Which is crap. I'll gladly take one for the team in here if that means that you'll quit ruining every other thread on the board
  12. you must not know the definition of hypocrite. I'm stating that threads should stay on topic. I said that in post 1, and I'm still saying it. Did I jumo into the self styled rant thread? Yeah, but it had already sunk into a flame fest before I got there.
  13. And all you've done is post random snide comments, with very little signal compared to noise. Try contributing something.
  14. So what you are saying is: The only people on-topic are the ones who agree with you? <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've stayed on the topic I created. I havent left it.
  15. Lets see. EVERY SINGLE RELEASE DAY THREAD IS LOCKED. IT HAS BEEN SAID THERE WILL NOT BE ANYMORE Seems to me the mods think that discussion should be voided from here, yet many of you do whatever you can to sneak it in and bait.
  16. Ok, your new to the boards, but thats not really how this place goes. Sure, it's supposed to work like that, but it doesn't. We get KOTOR1 performance questions in here, gen SW questions, and the same polls over and over. None of it is touched by the devs, even if people complain. It's pretty loose. This topic is just the flavor of the month, it too shall pass, but I think it's important people get the facts straight on this one. And since the mods made such topics illegal, people sneak it in where they can. Say what you will but we had a vary decent discussion in here, even if it was off topic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I lurked here for months before I posted. I know how it is here, and if anyone wants it to be better than certain things have to happen. And one of them is I need to be less abrasive :ph34r:
  17. You're right, and I'm not to big to admit it. I skipped to "last page" in those threads and jumped in there. However, that thread is still active but 2 pages back. Which means you can continue to dump in there instead of cluttering other theads dealing with game content
  18. I came into the rant thread, and discussed the topic at hand. I didnt go into the lightsaber thread and as an aside mention "EVERYONE WHO IS BOYCOTTING TEH GAME IS GAY" or other such nonsense. You dont have to like what I say, but at least I say it in the right place unlike many of you.
  19. you're entitled to that opinion. That's fine...I disagree, but that's OK too. This thread is not an extrension of that...if all of you cant understand that, I'll try to use smaller words. This thread is to state that if you hold that opinion, great. But dont ruin every other thread that comes up by steering the convo to that topic. It's annoying.
  20. Now look whos whining like an 8 year old <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you buddy. you cant even acknowledge my point is correct. There's a proper place for people to bitch, and it shouldnt be spread to every other topic on the board. If you wanna sit at the adult table, you have to learn to converse like one.
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