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Everything posted by Annah

  1. Well, first of all you have to think in general. Black Isle couldn't do anything good due to Interplay's situation. So don't blame them for bad games. Because they proved they are the best in this domain ... with games like Planescape Torment, Fallout Series or Icewind Dale Series. Right? About Obsidian, I think they left because they wanted more freedom, to create nice good games :D And if they're making Star Wars KOTOR II I am sure it will be a good game, because from what I've seen they have BIOWARE's support. About SW KOTOR I, you have to say it was awsome, I think it was the first after Planescape Torment that had an attractive story ... that gave you that feeling to play it 24h/day.
  2. Hmm ... I think this thread looks like "Pc Rpgs Are Dying Or Dead" from "Gaming and RPG Discussion". So speak there about games made first on consoles and then "moved" to PC and how bad they are. So don't try cheating with making a lot of posts heh
  3. Maybe I didn't notice well, but it seems that you can't center anything from your signature ... and the basic left style is hmm ...
  4. Hehe, or one with xp in this domain
  5. Strange people around here :D
  6. Annah


    The dark "face" of the forums looks really good, and it gives a pro feeling ...
  7. "Want to get into the gaming industry? Already in it and have some advice to offer? Discuss aspects of game development in this forum." Why not? ... My name is Antonio Stefan and I am currently the 2nd Director, Game Designer & PR Manager of Strictly Games (www.mortik.com | www.mortik.net). I am offering my full services, for free. (Advices, work ... anything). I also sent you an email (there you have more info). Well, this is all :D Good Luck with the company and I hope you will create great games.
  8. Lucky number 50 fore me :D
  9. Annah


    Hey ... Nice to see the boards up. And I also saw a lot of members with names from Planescape Torment, isn't that strange? :D
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