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About Draksuran

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  1. I was able to kill him using Divine Mark with my priest, as I found out, it's because it doesn't use the same stat when determining to hit. Not sure why the mage's spells miss though (nevermind, figured it out). Here it is reproduced with the other guard: As the log shows, seems like his really high defense is what makes me miss. Is this intentionally that high? Edit: Also, I lowered the difficulty from normal to easy and still have the same issue.
  2. For some reason, of the three Skaen temple guards, two of them are seemingly unhittable. Spells, attacks, traps, etc, nothing can hit them. See screenshot below: The archer I can hit just fine, it's this guard and one at the back (not shown) that are seemingly able to dodge every single attack.
  3. It depends on how much progress they can make in a short amount of time. We don't know if the path finding problem is just a small bug or whether they need to sit down and come up with a whole new algorithm, implement it, fix it, and get feedback. I'm a little surprised we didn't see a quick patch come out the same week to address the low hanging fruit. Maybe there isn't any and they need more time. This is one of the things that concerns me. The disappearing items bug was known to OE prior to the BB launch. For how long, I don't know. I think anyone can admit that this is a devastating bug, but it didn't stop OE from postponing the beta. But nearly a week later we still have no fix for what may well be a long standing bug. I've seen one developer comment that seems to indicate that the fix is still a work in progress. So a fix may still be a ways out. But only 3 - 4 months away from launch, I'm wondering how OE can be properly testing all of the game content when the game systems are inherently broken. And disappearing items isn't the only game breaker. Party members getting stuck in place is another devastating bug. So again, there's roughly 150 maps filled with all kinds of content. 3 - 4 months from release we should have people playtesting this game front to back to make sure that, not only every single quest, dialogue, script and system works well, but that the overall progression from start to finish works as expected. I just don't know how you can provide that level of testing when the game is still fundamentally broken. Personally, I'm still unable to complete a SINGLE QUEST without a game breaking bug occurring. People accuse me of jumping to hasty conclusions for having lack of information, but something that I've become pretty good at is connecting dots. In my career I have been told by some that this is something I'm masterful at, as far too often I have to figure things out where I only have a fraction of the necessary information. Not saying that my concerns are on the money in this case, and I hope they aren't. Time will tell on that. But, well, let's just say that my Spidey Sense is tingling, and I've learned to trust that. I'm not sure why that puts so many people off around here, but it certainly was never my intent to "cause a scene". In a few months we'll all know if I'm going to be eating my hat. I look forward to that! Why don't you wait and see after the first patch how many issues have been resolved and then you can continue making remarks. Do you think getting so agitated about the bugs (in a beta of course) will be helpful in any way? If you really want to help this game be the best it is, stop adding unnecessary commentary/humble bragging/hand-wringing. State the issues and move on. If you need a good example of this, look to Osvir's post.
  4. Marceror, you are one hell of a troll. The ability to pretend to lack self-awareness of how ridiculous you sound while at the same time being self-aware enough to realize that and irritate the hell out of others is quite impressive. Your PC, borderline business speak with gems like: >I view OE as one of the last bastions of great computer role playing game development, and I believe they are capable of delivery a game that is not only good, but amazing -- setting the standard for the next generation of great CRPGs. and >Sometimes my support comes loudly and even harshly. But it's all fueled by my love for what they are doing and my desire to see it hit the highest mark! are truly remarkable. By the way, learn to reel in the hyperbole a little bit, using words like 'unforgivable' when describing bugs occurring in a game that is in *BETA* is exactly why people think you're a troll (at best) or an idiot (at worst). However, it's likely you realize this and are simply trolling for maximum effect.
  5. I'm having the same issue as you; I even bought an extra grappling hook and still no luck. Tried equipping it, moving it to other character's inventories, but still nothing triggers the use of the grappling hook. Pretty much stuck now since I think it's required to get to the next section.
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